Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Structural Frame on Berlitz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Structural Frame on Berlitz - Essay Example 47). The structural frame perspective (how we view organizational structure options) was developed as a merging from two main theorists – Frederick W. Taylor’s scientific principles and Max Weber’s bureaucratic philosophy. Frederick Taylor’s work was called â€Å"scientific management† and was about introducing methods to gain individual worker efficiency rather than workers going by the rule of thumb (p. 48). Taylor measured the individual’s contribution with a stopwatch and pointed out how each worker could maximize their productivity. Max Weber, however, looked at the overall organization rather than the individual worker. He was the theorist behind the hierarchical model and use of the bureaucratic systems. At the time (after World War II), many countries were still using a Patriarch management model and it was time to replace it. To more evenly distribute the power, Weber introduced a â€Å"fixed division of labor† and â€Å"hier archy of offices† as examples of the new organizational perspective. These structural frame perspectives continue to exist today. Berlitz International, Inc. believes in the traditional hierarchy of offices and in the traditional chain of command. As discussed in McShane & Von Glinow (2005) coordination comes through formal hierarchy. As the organization grows, which Berlitz has, hierarchical assignments take place and power is passed to individuals. Berlitz reflects a structural perspective on their Internet site, Berlitz Japan, Inc. (2011). The organizational chart lesson (see Appendix A) states that employees will fall somewhere in the chain of command, whether on the top or somewhere â€Å"a little lower†. This information falls under the structural assumption that the organization’s current circumstances will dictate the design that fits best. The structural configuration of Berlitz Language Company as stated in Bolman & Deal (2008) started with a simple str ucture as depicted in most â€Å"mom-and-pop† or smaller organizations (p. 78). McShane & Von Glinow (2005) says that â€Å"most companies begin with a simple structure† (p. 438). Mintzberg’s Model (Bolman & Deal, 2008, p. 79) is a more accurate configuration of Berlitz International today because of the global magnitude of the organization. The Wall Street Journal published an article following a press release from Berlitz, that Hiromasa Yokoi, vice chairman, chief executive and president would retire and numerous management changes would take place as well as company- wide restructure (Bounds, 2000, March 21). A spokesperson added that the company would be split into two subsidiaries: Berlitz Language Services and ELS Language Centers. Berlitz is 70% owned by Benesse Corp, an educational publisher in Japan. The decision to split the company was a strategic decision and had been planned for â€Å"over one year† (Bounds, 2000, March 21, p. 1). Each center , however, will have an individual configuration designed to suit the center director and meet the overall organizational goals. The franchise locations were later given several templates

Monday, October 28, 2019

Love at First Sight Essay Example for Free

Love at First Sight Essay Love at first sight is a common trope in Western literature, in which a person, character, or speaker feels romantic attraction for a stranger on the first sight of them. Described by poets and critics from the Greek world on, it has become one of the most powerful tropes in Western fiction. In the classical world, the phenomenon of love at first sight was understood within the context of a more general conception of passionate love, a kind of madness or, as the Greeks put it, theia mania (madness from the gods). [1] This love passion was described through an elaborate metaphoric and mythological psychological schema involving loves arrows or love darts, the source of which was often given as the mythological Eros or Cupid,[2] sometimes by other mythological deities (such as Rumor[3]). At times, the source of the arrows was said to be the image of the beautiful love object itself. If these arrows arrived at the lovers eyes, they would then travel to and pierce his or her heart, overwhelming them with desire and longing (love sickness). The image of the arrows wound was sometimes used to create oxymorons and rhetorical antithesis. Love at first sight was explained as a sudden and immediate beguiling of the lover through the action of these processes, and is illustrated in numerous Greek and Roman works. In Ovids Metamorphoses, Narcissus becomes immediately spellbound and charmed by his own (unbeknownst to him) image. In Achilles Tatiuss Leucippe and Clitophon, the lover Clitophon thus describes his own experience of the phenomenon: As soon as I had seen her, I was lost. For Beautys wound is sharper than any weapons, and it runs through the eyes down to the soul. It is through the eye that loves wound passes, and I now became a prey to a host of emotions[4]Love at first sight was not, however, the only mode of entering into passionate love in classical texts; at times the passion could occur after the initial meeting or could precede the first glimpse. Another classical interpretation of the phenomenon of love at first sight is found in Platos Symposium in Aristophanes description of the separation of primitive double-creatures into modern men and women and their subsequent search for their missing half: when [a lover] is fortunate enough to meet his other half, they are both so intoxicated with affection, with friendship, and with love, that they cannot bear to let each other out of sight for a single instant.[5]

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Interview Essay - Mary Goddard -- Interview Essays

Interview Essay - Mary Goddard Mary "Lallie" Goddard was born on December 28, 1922, in New Mexico. She has two daughters and two grandchildren, one boy, one girl. She enjoys exercising regularly and volunteering her time with others. Lallie Goddard defines happiness as being content. She says that this definition has changed over time. "With so many things been thrown at you through the course of your life, you learn to be content. I have my favorite things around me. My mother could take having things thrown at her, so I learned from her." When asked how she knows when she is happy, she said, "I really only know when I am unhappy. I look forward to getting up early and staying occupied, and I volunteer as a mentor." Because she doesn't like to burden people, she will go to the fitness center and exercise when she feels unhappy. Exercise is an important activity for Lallie and it contributes to her happiness. She usually goes to the fitness center at 7:00 am and enjoys interacting with the people there. Lallie said that it makes her unhappy when something is disturbing her children or grandchildren. She has two daughters and two grandchildren: one boy and one girl. She says that other people's attitudes don't affect her sense of happiness, but they do affect her disposition. Lallie's childhood truly influenced her sense of happiness. "I had a wonderful childhood, she said. "I was the only child and I had complete freedom. I was able to roam the countryside of New Mexico on my horse, and I only had to come home to eat. My dad was a lumberman and worked at the sawmill. It was hard to keep a teacher in the sawmill, because they would leave half way through the year. So my mom became my teacher from grades 3 throug... not think the higher power is looking down on me personally. I believe that you create your own heaven, or hell on earth, and that there is no afterlife." Lallie's advice for achieving happiness was this, "Find something that you enjoy, some kind of work. Money is not necessarily the thing to pursue. You should aim for the things that you enjoy the most, and hopefully you will find your niche. A good example would be your professor Kathy Hodge - she really enjoys teaching!" And finally, when asked to summarize her philosophy on life, Lallie replied, "Whatever you do in life do the best you can. The end result will be that you are happy. Do not be so self-critical or else you'll drive yourself crazy." Lallie was a kind soul. Talking to her was like talking to a good friend. I enjoyed and agreed with her outlook on life. I would be proud to be her friend. Interview Essay - Mary Goddard -- Interview Essays Interview Essay - Mary Goddard Mary "Lallie" Goddard was born on December 28, 1922, in New Mexico. She has two daughters and two grandchildren, one boy, one girl. She enjoys exercising regularly and volunteering her time with others. Lallie Goddard defines happiness as being content. She says that this definition has changed over time. "With so many things been thrown at you through the course of your life, you learn to be content. I have my favorite things around me. My mother could take having things thrown at her, so I learned from her." When asked how she knows when she is happy, she said, "I really only know when I am unhappy. I look forward to getting up early and staying occupied, and I volunteer as a mentor." Because she doesn't like to burden people, she will go to the fitness center and exercise when she feels unhappy. Exercise is an important activity for Lallie and it contributes to her happiness. She usually goes to the fitness center at 7:00 am and enjoys interacting with the people there. Lallie said that it makes her unhappy when something is disturbing her children or grandchildren. She has two daughters and two grandchildren: one boy and one girl. She says that other people's attitudes don't affect her sense of happiness, but they do affect her disposition. Lallie's childhood truly influenced her sense of happiness. "I had a wonderful childhood, she said. "I was the only child and I had complete freedom. I was able to roam the countryside of New Mexico on my horse, and I only had to come home to eat. My dad was a lumberman and worked at the sawmill. It was hard to keep a teacher in the sawmill, because they would leave half way through the year. So my mom became my teacher from grades 3 throug... not think the higher power is looking down on me personally. I believe that you create your own heaven, or hell on earth, and that there is no afterlife." Lallie's advice for achieving happiness was this, "Find something that you enjoy, some kind of work. Money is not necessarily the thing to pursue. You should aim for the things that you enjoy the most, and hopefully you will find your niche. A good example would be your professor Kathy Hodge - she really enjoys teaching!" And finally, when asked to summarize her philosophy on life, Lallie replied, "Whatever you do in life do the best you can. The end result will be that you are happy. Do not be so self-critical or else you'll drive yourself crazy." Lallie was a kind soul. Talking to her was like talking to a good friend. I enjoyed and agreed with her outlook on life. I would be proud to be her friend.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Native American Oppression in North America Essay

While many different cultures were and are oppressed around the world, many people tend to forget about the genocide of the Native Americans on the land we call home. In 1492, when Christopher Columbus first sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, he came into contact with the indigenous people of the New World. After returning to Hispaniola, he quickly implemented policies of slavery and mass extermination of the Taino population in the Caribbean. This became the first major impact on Native Americans and eventually led to further oppression of American Indians. The implication of the population as savages helped in the displacement and genocide of the indigenous peoples. The Native Americans faced a lot of discrimination in North America during colonization, consisting of different forms of propaganda causing short-term and long-term effects in the present day. In 1492, a Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus sailed for India to sell, buy, and trade rich spices and other goods, inadvertently discovering what is today North America. European conquest, large-scale exploration and colonization soon followed. This first occurred along the Caribbean coasts on the islands of Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and Cuba, and later extended into the interiors of both North and South America. Eventually, the entire Western Hemisphere came under the control of European governments, leading to profound changes to its landscape, population, and plant and animal life. From the 16th through the 19th centuries, the population of Indians declined from epidemic diseases brought from Europe, genocide and warfare at the hands of European explorers and colonists, displacement from their lands, internal warfare, enslavements, and a high rate of intermarriage. Epidemics of smallpox, typhus, influenza, diphtheria, and measles swept ahead of initial European contact, killing between 10 million and 20 million people, up to 95% of the indigenous population of the Americas. European expansion also caused many Native American tribes to lose their homes as they were forced by the government to live in certain areas called Indian Reservations. They were often poor and on the verge of starvation on these reservations. Many American Indians had to choose to assimilate to the culture of the colonists in order to live. The phrase â€Å"Kill the Indian, Save the Man† coincides with the assimilation. There were many tools to help with the assimilation of the natives such as boarding schools for Native American children, missionaries to introduce Christianity, and the strategic killing of their main food source, the bison. The Dawes Act was introduced in 1887 to get Native Americans to live like white Americans. Reservations were broken up into â€Å"allotments† that were given out to individual families and the families were supposed to farm and build homes on their allotment in order to support themselves. The plan failed due to the fact that some of the land was unsuitable for farming & ranching and some Natives refused to adopt a different way of life. Propaganda was a very powerful tool when it came to the oppression of American Indians. The term propaganda is derived from the Latin propagare, to propagate, to reproduce, to spread, with the meaning, to transmit, to spread from person to person. One form of early propaganda against Native Americans is the painting American Progress by John Gast in 1872. The painting depicts the iconographic image of Columbia, the American angel floating above the land, leading her pioneers westward. The angel image, intended as a personification of the United States, floats ethereally over the plains, stringing telegraph wire with one hand as she travels, and holding a schoolbook under her other arm. Ahead of her in the West is a great darkness populated by wild animals: bears, wolves, buffalo and Indian people. All are considered wild and savage, and fleeing away from her light. In her bright-light wake, as the figure progresses across the land, come farms, villages and homesteads and in the back are cities and railroads. The light of â€Å"civilization† dispels the darkness of â€Å"ignorance and barbarity†. American Indian people are portrayed along with the wild animals as the darkness, all of which have to be removed before Columbia can bring the prosperity promised to the United States. United States covert agencies working with the mainstream media often used â€Å"grey and black propaganda† to distort or fabricate information concerning the groups they had targeted. Grey propaganda efforts often centered upon contentions that the Indians’ main goal was to dispossess non-Indians of the home-owner, small farmer, or rancher type living within various treaty areas. For black propaganda there have been a number of highly publicized allegations of violence which, once disproven, were allowed to die without further fanfare. There were many short-term and long-term effects due to the oppression of American Indians. Many Native Americans were depicted as marauding, murdering, hellish savages who scalped women and children. They were seen as thieves, drunkards, and beggars, unwilling to work but willing to accept government handouts. The American Indian was often used as the antagonist in old country western films and portrayed in a negative, barbaric manner. Today a majority of the Native American population still resides on reservations. Despite helping shape America in their own way, the oppression of the American Indians is often overlooked in comparison to that of Jews during World War II and African Americans in the U. S.from slavery to the present-day Overall, the Native Americans overcame many things from when Columbus first came across them in the Caribbean in 1492. In the face of European exploration and colonization, genocide, epidemic diseases, and displacement among other things, American Indians managed to stay strong and hold on too as much of their culture as possible, working hard to dispel the false stereotype created by propaganda so long ago. While the discrimination of the past still affects them to this day, first nation peoples play a strong part in the development of this country.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Education system of the United States of America Essay

The education system of the United States of America is divided into four major categories; the children join primary school at the age of five years. Upon completion of the primary education the Americans join secondary school which consists of seven years. The students who are through with the secondary level are then enrolled in the undergraduate schools. Students in these schools are offered either with an associate degree which takes two years or a bachelor’s degree which normally takes four years. Finally for the students who have successfully completed their bachelor’s degree and wish to continue enroll in the graduate schools where they can either pursue either a master’s degree which normally takes a period of two years or a doctorate degree for those students who wish to advance their education. Depending on the course the student opts to take the doctorate degree can take as little as three years or as many as six years to complete (Bobo, pp 84). Inequality in the education system of US Inequality in education is said to occur when the education quality that is provided to students is highly related to their class or status. The education system in the United States of America have instead of reducing inequalities existing in the society, the schools together with other educational establishments have to some extent enhanced the perpetuation of race and class boundaries. The allocation of resources in an unfair and unequal manner, to students with diverse socio economic backgrounds, has largely contributed to lowering of test scores and low enrollments rates in colleges. In the United States of America, resources availability and quality is determined by the quantity of funding received by the schools. This funding is determined largely by the amount of taxes that the home owners pay; almost half of taxes collected from home owners are used in the funding of the schools at the district level (Ferguson, pp 77). Neighborhoods that are more affluent collect more property taxes which imply that the schools in these areas receive more funding. Despite the fact that this seems to be quite favorable a serious problem comes up when the circumstances are reversed. The neighborhoods that are predominantly inhabited by poor population, the properties are cheaper and thus the property taxes obtained from such neighborhoods are also less. This therefore means that the schools in these regions are poorly funded and yet they are the ones which the students from the poor families attend. This clearly shows a lot of inequality since the students from the rich families who will in most cases will be living in wealthy neighborhoods will attend school which are well funded by the taxes collected from home owners, whereas their colleagues from the poor families residing in poor neighborhoods will attend poorly funded schools and thus both categories of students will not receive the same quality of education. The above situation reality is that the resources distribution among the schools depends on the socio economic status of both the students and the parents. Therefore, the education system of the United States of America enhances in the widening the existing gap between the poor and the rich. Over the past few years as a result of falling short of social mobility this gap has increased further (Bobo, pp 168). The social mobility is quite rigid in US; this mobility refers to the movement of people in a certain class status from one generation to another. The socio mobility is highly related to the rich tags, they create a notion that anyone with determination and works hard is able progress upward regardless to their back grounds. On contrary to this notion, the economists and sociologists have concluded that social mobility has stagnated or even decreased in the past three decades, some of the declines in the social mobility can only be attributed to the US education system which is stratified. The education system in the country forces the students from the low income families into schools that are not ideal; these students are in turn not offered with equal education motivation and schooling opportunities as those students from rich families. This repeated pattern of intergenerational school choices for child and parent results in social mobility stagnation (Kozol, pp 105). The models showing the attainment of social status have always assumed that social mobility is a contest which is open and that it is based on value as calculated over several years of technical ability and schooling. The open contest made the assumption that there was an equal opportunity to basic education. The Supreme Court made a ruling that schools that were separate but equal were unconstitutional; those opposed to integration had to find new means and ways of denying the basic education. If the schools being attended by the blacks and whites could not be segregated then the classes too could not and thus both the whites and the blacks should attend the same schools and classrooms failure to which will amount to denying equality in education to all students (Kozol, pp 98). Social immobility is more to the children who follow their parents’ footsteps and fail to obtain higher education. Such choices finally make the children from the poor families fail to access higher education. The reasons for the children from poor back grounds opting not to continue with higher education have a lot of explanations. The government on its part does not create enough awareness among the children equally and hence the children from lower class status grow up with fewer expectations in life, because such has not been properly instilled in them early in life by the education system that exists in the country. The education system of the United States of America lets down the students from the low income bracket since it does not offer them equal access to opportunities and resources as it does to those students from wealthy families. Studies have also shown that such programs such as the tracking education and gifted education are further used to manage the separation of those with lower skill levels from the ones with higher skills, which in most cases ends up separating the poor from the rich. In fact, most of the students in the program of the gifted students are from middle class families. This does not mean that it is only the rich students that are smart and the poor ones are not, but it simply implies that the program is used to enhance education inequality among the students on the basis of their back grounds it also shows that the students from the poor back grounds are not offered equal opportunities as the rich ones in their childhood development to enable them build up certain skills. The upper and middle class students grow up in an environment that foster their educational and intellectual development simply because their parents can afford to take their children to the museums, engage them in extra curricular activities, and pay private teachers to attend to their children. The poor children do not have access to such an integrated learning approach and the same is not provided in the education system of the US (Greenhouse, 124). The evidence of the fruits of inequality of the education system in the United States of America and especially in Chicago can be shown by the demographics and enrollment rates in colleges. It is highly influenced by the socio economic status of the students, in a study that was carried out in Chicago which examined the top colleges it found out that the following student representation. Seventy five percent of the students were from very rich socio economic backgrounds while the rest came from the poor back grounds. This is a good example of how much inequality exists in the education system of the United States of America and particularly Chicago (Lui, pp 220). The gap in the education system of US just like the chasm of wealth is growing wider and wider each year. An equal opportunity of accessing quality education has become a perennial dream for most of the progressive people and the working class. This dream has been undermined by forces of neo conservative. Despite the fact that there was the adoption of free education in the public schools by the US government in the past, an equal opportunity for quality education is yet to be achieved. Education in the public schools has always been provided for free, although in the past it was not free to the Native Americans, slaves, migrants, student with special needs, pregnant girls and other groups of people which were neglected (Bobo, pp 180). Although slavery came to an end, inequality in the education system still persists, despite the fact that it was one of the major rights the former slaves fought for. The former black slaves thought that by getting access to quality education they would be in a position to integrate socially with other Americans, but this remains a dream that is yet to be realized even though more than a century has elapsed since slavery was abolished. Black children have to date been denied a chance to access quality education since a vast majority of them come from poor families and the education structure in the united states of America is such that it offers a more favorable environment to rich students and denies the poor ones a chance to attend good schools which are well funded with ample resources to enable the students acquire quality education. As a result the black children have for a long time been prevented from succeeding academically and finally succeeding financially after school which applies to the whites (Kozol, pp 112). In Chicago as it is in most parts of the United States the blacks cannot afford to live in rich neighborhoods and since the schools receive much of their funding from the collection of property taxes from home owners, very little is collected in areas inhabited by the black population which in turn implies that their children will attend poorly funded schools which will in most cases lack proper facilities to enhance a smooth learning process. When students are educated in facilities lacking enough facilities they will end up performing poorly and thus have limited chances of excelling academically and in very rare cases will they be in a position to join credible institutions of higher learning. Such students will therefore, in future not be able to secure good white collar jobs and thus they are likely to earn much less in future as compared to those students who were in a position of attending schools that had enough facilities. Therefore, poor students will in future not be able to take their students to good schools since they cannot afford and hence their children will follow in their foot steps and the poverty chain will continue (Ferguson, pp 152). The education system in the United States aids in the maintenance of the existing class structure. Ever since slavery was abolished, the education system has been used by the racist whites as an instrument of enabling them maintains their throne by maintaining a poor black population. The ideas that the minority are inferior have been spread all over the country for decades and the less informed people have always fallen into the trap, as they are made to believe that intelligence and superiority is determined by one’s race. Skewed data has been used to assert such claims and to spread the ill intended ideas (Kozol, pp 144). Conclusion The education system of the United Sates of America is amounts to inequality as students are not given an equal opportunity of accessing quality education. This is mainly as result of the funding system which has been adopted which denies poor students a chance to attend schools that are well funded and thus have ample facilities to enable the to excel academically. The students from rich socio economic back grounds are in a position to attend well funded schools since such students will in most cases live in rich neighborhoods and since school funding originates from property taxes their schools will be well funded as more taxes will be collected in their neighborhoods. The fruits of this inequality are very evident in the enrollment rates of students in institutions of higher learning as statistics reveal that majority of students in these institutions are from the rich back grounds. The education system of the United States thus leads to inequality and denies the poor students an equal chance as the rich ones. Work cited: Bobo, Kimberley A. ; Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid – and What We Can Do about It (2009): New Press, ISBN 1595584455. Ferguson, Ann Arnett; Bad boys: public schools in the making of black Masculinity (2001): University of Michigan Press, ISBN 0472088491. Greenhouse, Steven; The Big Squeeze: Tough Times for the American Worker (2008): Random House Inc, ISBN 1400044898. Kozol, Jonathan; The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America (2005): Crown Publishing Group, ISBN 0307339416. Lui, Meizhu; The Color of Wealth: The Story Behind the U. S. Racial Wealth Divide (2006): W. W. Norton, ISBN 1595580042.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Italian Diminutives - Alterati Diminutivi

Italian Diminutives - Alterati Diminutivi In Italian, diminutives (alterati diminutivi) are a category of altered words (alterati) in which the meaning of the base word is attenuated or diminished in some sense. Examples include sassolino (a pebble), spiaggetta (small beach), tastierina (keypad), and visitina (short visit). Forming Diminutives With Suffixes Diminutives can be formed with the suffixes: -ino: mamma  Ã‚ »Ã‚  mamminamother, mom  Ã‚ »Ã‚  mommy minestra  Ã‚ »Ã‚  minestrinasoup  Ã‚ »Ã‚  broth pensiero  Ã‚ »Ã‚  pensierinothought, worry  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small gift, a little present ragazzo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  ragazzinoboy  Ã‚ »Ã‚  young boy, little boy, kid bello  Ã‚ »Ã‚  bellinobeautiful  Ã‚ »Ã‚  cute difficile  Ã‚ »Ã‚  difficilinodifficult, complicated  Ã‚ »Ã‚  minor difficulty The suffix -ino has two variants with an infix (interfisso) (element inserted between the base and the suffix): -(i)cino and -olino. Here are some examples: bastone  Ã‚ »Ã‚  bastoncinowalking stick, cane, scepter, rod  Ã‚ »Ã‚  stick, twig, switch libro  Ã‚ »Ã‚  libric(c)inobook  Ã‚ »Ã‚  booklet sasso  Ã‚ »Ã‚  sassolinorock, boulder  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small stone, pebble topo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  topolinomouse, rat  Ã‚ »Ã‚  baby mouse freddo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  freddolinocold  Ã‚ »Ã‚  brisk magro  Ã‚ »Ã‚  magrolinothin, lean, slim, spare  Ã‚ »Ã‚  skinny In spoken Italian there are also avverbi alterati: presto  Ã‚ »Ã‚  prestinosoon, early, quickly  Ã‚ »Ã‚  somewhat quickly tanto  Ã‚ »Ã‚  tantinoso much, very  Ã‚ »Ã‚  a fair amount tardi  Ã‚ »Ã‚  tardinolate  Ã‚ »Ã‚  barely late The modifying suffix -ino is most frequently used with suffix combinations: casa  Ã‚ »Ã‚  casetta  Ã‚ »Ã‚  casettina, gonna  Ã‚ »Ã‚  gonella  Ã‚ »Ã‚  gonnellina. -etto: bacio  Ã‚ »Ã‚  bacettokiss  Ã‚ »Ã‚  little kiss, peck camera  Ã‚ »Ã‚  camerettabedroom  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small bedroom casa  Ã‚ »Ã‚  casettahouse  Ã‚ »Ã‚  cottage, small house lupo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  lupettowolf  Ã‚ »Ã‚  wolf cub, cub scout basso  Ã‚ »Ã‚  bassettoshort  Ã‚ »Ã‚  shrimp, pipsqueak piccolo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  piccolettosmall  Ã‚ »Ã‚  shorty A combination of suffixes is common: scarpa  Ã‚ »Ã‚  scarpetta  Ã‚ »Ã‚  scarpettinao, secco  Ã‚ »Ã‚  secchetto  Ã‚ »Ã‚  secchettino. -ello: albero  Ã‚ »Ã‚  alberellotree  Ã‚ »Ã‚  sapling asino  Ã‚ »Ã‚  asinellodonkey  Ã‚ »Ã‚  little or young donkey paese  Ã‚ »Ã‚  paesellovillage  Ã‚ »Ã‚  hamlet rondine  Ã‚ »Ã‚  rondinellaswallow  Ã‚ »Ã‚  baby swallow cattivo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  cattivellobad, wicked  Ã‚ »Ã‚  mischievous, naughty povero  Ã‚ »Ã‚  poverellopoor  Ã‚ »Ã‚  poor person This suffix has variants with the interfixes -(i)cello and -erello: campo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  campicellofield  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small field informazione  Ã‚ »Ã‚  informazionecellainformation  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small piece of information fatto  Ã‚ »Ã‚  fatterellofact, event, occurrence  Ã‚ »Ã‚  minor matter, anecdote fuoco  Ã‚ »Ã‚  f(u)ocherellofire  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small fire Often there is a combination of suffixes: storia  Ã‚ »Ã‚  storiella  Ã‚ »Ã‚  storiellina, buco  Ã‚ »Ã‚  bucherello  Ã‚ »Ã‚  bucherellino. -uccio (has a pejorative connotation or, more commonly, is a term of endearment): avvocato  Ã‚ »Ã‚  avvocatucciolawyer  Ã‚ »Ã‚  shyster casa  Ã‚ »Ã‚  casucciahouse  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small cozy house cavallo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  cavallucciohorse  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small horse, seahorse caldo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  calduccioheat  Ã‚ »Ã‚  warmth freddo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  fredducciocold  Ã‚ »Ã‚  coldness, coolness A variant of -uccio is -uzzo: pietra  Ã‚ »Ã‚  pietruzza. -icci(u)lo: asta  Ã‚ »Ã‚  asticci(u)olapole (for vaulting), rod, lance  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small rod; the shaft of an arrow or a pen festa  Ã‚ »Ã‚  festicciolafeast, holiday, vacation  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small party porto  Ã‚ »Ã‚  porticcioloharbor  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small harbor Sometimes also has a pejorative sense: donna  Ã‚ »Ã‚  donnicci(u)ola. -ucolo (has a pejorative connotation): donna  Ã‚ »Ã‚  donnucolawoman  Ã‚ »Ã‚  silly woman maestro  Ã‚ »Ã‚  maestrucoloteacher  Ã‚ »Ã‚  ignorant, incompetent teacher poeta  Ã‚ »Ã‚  poetucolopoeta  Ã‚ »Ã‚  scribbler, rhymster -(u)olo: faccenda  Ã‚ »Ã‚  faccenduolamatter, business, affair  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small chore montagna  Ã‚ »Ã‚  montagn(u)olamountain  Ã‚ »Ã‚  mound poesia  Ã‚ »Ã‚  poesiolapoetry  Ã‚ »Ã‚  limerick, a small poem Note also the alterazione with -olo, which occurs mostly in combination with another suffix: nome  Ã‚ »Ã‚  nomignoloname  Ã‚ »Ã‚  nickname via  Ã‚ »Ã‚  viottolostreet  Ã‚ »Ã‚  lane medico  Ã‚ »Ã‚  mediconzolo (pejorative connotation)doctor  Ã‚ »Ã‚  quack For the suffix -iciattolo see below. -otto: contadino  Ã‚ »Ã‚  contadinottofarmer, peasant  Ã‚ »Ã‚  poorly educated countryman pieno  Ã‚ »Ã‚  pienottofull, packed, teeming with  Ã‚ »Ã‚  pot-bellied giovane  Ã‚ »Ã‚  giovanottoyoungster  Ã‚ »Ã‚  young man, bachelor ragazzo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  ragazzottoboy  Ã‚ »Ã‚  sturdy boy basso  Ã‚ »Ã‚  bassottolow, short  Ã‚ »Ã‚  squat Can denote a young animal: aquila  Ã‚ »Ã‚  aquilottoeagle  Ã‚ »Ã‚  eaglet lepre  Ã‚ »Ã‚  leprottohare  Ã‚ »Ã‚  baby hare passero  Ã‚ »Ã‚  passerottosparrow  Ã‚ »Ã‚  young sparrow -acchiotto (can be a diminutive or term of endearment): lupo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  lupacchiottowolf  Ã‚ »Ã‚  wolf cub orso  Ã‚ »Ã‚  orsacchiottobear  Ã‚ »Ã‚  bear cub, teddy bear volpe  Ã‚ »Ã‚  volpacchiottofox  Ã‚ »Ã‚  fox cub, sly person furbo  Ã‚ »Ã‚  furbacchiottosly, cunning, shrewd, astute, clever  Ã‚ »Ã‚  cunning person (wily old fox) -iciattolo (can be a diminutive or term of endearment): febbre  Ã‚ »Ã‚  febbriciattolafever  Ã‚ »Ã‚  slight fever fiume  Ã‚ »Ã‚  fiumiciattoloriver  Ã‚ »Ã‚  stream libro  Ã‚ »Ã‚  libriciattolobook  Ã‚ »Ã‚  small book mostro  Ã‚ »Ã‚  mostriciattolomonster  Ã‚ »Ã‚  little monster

Monday, October 21, 2019

I Hate Kids

I Hate Kids I Hate Kids I Hate Kids By Maeve Maddox No, I don’t hate children, young people, babies, infants, toddlers, adolescents, teenagers, or youth. I hate the universal use of the word â€Å"kid† or its plural to denote any and all of the categories of juvenile human beings. The word â€Å"kid† has its uses, certainly. It can be a friendly word, a loving wordin certain contexts. It does not, however, belong in every context. Words have connotations, subtle nuances of meaning that color the denotation of the word. When writers begin to use certain words as if one size fits all, meanings become distorted and underlying facts are distorted. The word â€Å"kid† has so many connotations that it is rarely the best choice in the context of news reporting. In addition to conveying youthfulness, the word â€Å"kid† has connotations of irresponsibility, poor judgment, innocence, and mischievousness. Adult behavior is not expected of â€Å"kids.† â€Å" Kids will be kids†. â€Å"Kids† are not to be taken seriously. Whatever â€Å"kids† do should be forgiven, because, after all, they’re â€Å"just kids.† And since â€Å"kids† are not adults, what they do doesn’t matter quite as much. These connotations become problematic in a news story that reports misbehaving juveniles who vandalize stores and cemeteries and beat homeless people to death. By calling these young criminals â€Å"kids,† the reporter is unconsciously asking the reader to make allowances for their behavior. News writers need to think twice before referring to accused rapists as â€Å"kids.† I am probably beating a dead horse. A new medical facility is under construction in my area. It’s going to be called the â€Å"Kids’ Clinic.† I’m just waiting for the day when I go to an art museum and see a portrait of the Blessed Virgin and Baby Jesus labeled â€Å"Mother and Kid.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Redundant Phrases to AvoidAt Your Disposal10 Tips About How to Write a Caption

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Numerical Expressions

Numerical Expressions Numerical Expressions Numerical Expressions By Sharon There are many expressions in English which reflect our need to classify and put a value on items. Here are a few: First water This is most often heard in the phrase a diamond of the first water. The expression means the best quality. The best diamonds are nearly as clear as water, and this is the origin of the expression. Second fiddle This expression means a secondary role, as in She played second fiddle to her best friend. The lead violinist sounds the notes that guide the rest of the orchestra, so this position is more important than the second violin or second fiddle. Third degree When youre given the third degree, you get a verbal grilling. No ones quite sure where the expression originates, but a popular tale has it that the third degree of masonry was difficult to attain and candidates had to answer a lot of questions in order to attain it. Fourth estate The fourth estate is the press, as distinct from the other three estates in the UK. The other three are the spiritual lords, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Fifth column This expression is reportedly of Spanish origin. During the Spanish Civil War, a general who was leading four columns of his army to fight, claimed to have a fifth one in Madrid. The expression refers to a group of people who support their countrys enemies. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Congratulations on or for?"Certified" and "Certificated"8 Great Podcasts for Writers and Book Authors

Saturday, October 19, 2019

4 Questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

4 Questions - Research Paper Example Digital media facilitates faster communication of sports and entertainment news (Cortada, 2006).Digital media outlets lay an efficient platform for sports organizations to interact with the fans from different parts of the country and various continents. The impact of this is that, the organization acquires mass support and numerous economic benefits. Digital media have transformed sports and entertainment consumption. An avenue for linking the teams, artist and the fans is well laid. The fast growing of the entertainment industry is attributed to the digital media. Information about existing and newly developed media such as video games, animations and many others is easily conveyed to the audience (Stein & Evans, 2009). This has largely popularized the entertainment industry. In the next five years creativity in the digital media will bring heightened competition on television broadcasting. The continuing advancement in technology will enhance more innovations and thus great competition. The next five years will be of great impact to e-commencing. In fact, the increasing adoption of modern and developing technology will expand the playground for e- commerce. More places will have been reached and the overall transactions increased Mobile commerce is rapidly growing in the recent past as due to escalating use of smart phones and tablets for online retailing (Bhasker, 2006). It is now possible to inspect and make payments for goods or services from any part of the world through the use of smart phones and tablets. Additionally, mobile video consumption has risen as a popular trend recently. Online video play has significantly boosted ecommerce conversations and marketing (Manzoor, 2010). Considering the increasing number of innovation and invention made every year, the current trends in mobile ecommerce will definitely take a new face. More applications and features will be developed to ease the online retailing. In fact, mobile

Would you have signed the Constitution of 1787 Essay

Would you have signed the Constitution of 1787 - Essay Example purposes of the Constitution is posted at the exact beginning of the document, stating, â€Å"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity [†¦].† That in itself is a set of rules that the government can follow. It lists aspects that they should be aware of when they make decisions, and the people that should be considered during the decision-making process. The Constitution of 1787, as opposed to any other government-based documents, is the best plan for the government because it focuses on the more important aspects of the government system itself. The important positions are pointed out, as well as their tasks and duties. There are numerous positions in the government, each with varying jobs and tasks. The Constitution helps to keep people on track with what they need to be doing. It goes into heavy detail about what a member can or cannot do, as well as the specifics of each branch. This document is perfect for the government as it can keep things from going completely out of control, and it centers in on the things that are most important to the people. The Constitution also goes into the process by which a bill is considered, created, and enforced, which most definitely proves helpful when large groups of people are at ends with what to do. There are other â€Å"how-to† instructions in the Constitution, adding further to the fact that the Constitution can be viewed as appropriate guidelines for running a stable government. How one votes and how someone is chosen for a specific job is also mentioned throughout the document. The Constitution is the perfect set of guidelines to be looked at for any government system, really. It is something that really suits the workings of the United States of America. However, if I were around during the signing of it, I

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business Plan - Essay Example There are three types of business structures to choose from. The three business structures are sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. A sole proprietorship is a business owned by a single person. Most owners of sole proprietorships are also the managers of the business. One of the cons of sole proprietorships is that the owners are personally liable for the debt of the business. Two advantages of sole proprietorships are absolute control over decision making and the owner gets 100% of the profits. A partnership can be defined as the relationship existing between two or more persons who join to carry on a trade or business (Irs, 2012). Partnerships share in the profits and losses of a business based on the partnership agreement. Some of the advantages of partnerships are flexibility, greater human capital, and transferability. The third form of business is corporations. A corporation is a legal entity that exists separate from its owners. Three advantages of corporations a re limited liability of stockholders, continuous life, and the ability to acquire capital. Some of the cons of corporations include separation of ownership and management, governmental regulations, and additional taxes. The business structure chosen for Pizza Heaven is corporation. ... The business will start by opening a restaurant facility. After one year of operation the company will start selling franchises. The franchise will sell for under $100,000. Investors interested in a smaller investment will be able to buy mobile units franchises for $30,000. The business will sell personal pizzas, medium and large pizzas, calzones, frappes, mozzarella sticks, nachos, breadsticks, sodas and sandwiches. The company’s products are going to be priced to compete with the industry leaders. Accounting is going to play a very large role in the success of the company. The corporation seeks to have a franchising model. It is imperative to keep track of the sales of all the franchises due to the fact that the company will charge a 5% royalty on all sales. To attract investors the accounting books of the company must be up to date following the generally accepted accounting principles. Pizza Heaven must release its financial statements on a yearly basis. The four financial statements are the income statement, balance sheet, statement of return earnings, and statement of cash flow. Once the company becomes public it must register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). All companies register with the SEC are mandated to release trimester and yearly financial statements. Hiring the correct accounting staff is very important because accountants play a key role in the administration of a company. All members of the accounting staff must have a minimum education credential of a bachelor in business administration in accounting. Applicants that have an MBA degree or have a CPA license will be given preferential treatment in the recruiting process. The members of the accounting staff must have at least one year of experience

The importance of financial literacy among young adults Research Paper

The importance of financial literacy among young adults - Research Paper Example rogram during decision-making and feedback time; other stakeholders should be requested to give their input as experience can reveal many underlying factors. Finally, they should have mentors to guide them on dos and don’ts of successful application of financial literacy skills. According to Chan and Stevens (2003), financial literacy can be explained in two main ways including use of a person’s grasp of mathematical concepts, and understanding and use of financial terminologies. However, financial literacy is different from other forms of financial education by the fact that it is practice-oriented. For instance, a person may have all the information on sound financial management; but if this information is only in the form of the theoretical basis, then this person is illiterate on financial literacy terms. Therefore, for one to be considered financially competent, one must have a full understanding of all financial terminology and apply it in the appropriate context. Moreover, one should have the capacity to use the classroom learnt mathematical concepts at a practical level. The level of use of these two main components of financial literacy should be high, and the two must relate seamlessly to enhance the financial competence of an individual. T his means that a fine grasp of terms and financial ideas should be accompanied by direct or indirect application to one’s life in financial decisions; without application of learnt skills, a person remains financially incompetent regardless of how much one may know about personal finance (Hilgert, Hogarth and Beverly, 2003). Therefore, any syllabus on financial competence must include practical aspects like case studies, real-life examples, and mentorship. Studies have established that though all people need instructions on financial literacy, the levels differ with various factors, most of which are contributed by environmental exposure of a person to instances of financial competence application. This means

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The U.K taxation system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The U.K taxation system - Essay Example The paper tells that taxable income includes income from employment either from part-time, full-time, or temporary employment. However, if people receive benefits or perks from their employer, they may be taxable. Income from partnerships or self-employment, pension income such as state pension, retirement annuity and personal or company pension, are also taxable as stated in the UK tax laws. Additionally, pensioner bonds, trust income and investment income, includes dividends on company shares except dividend income from ISAs, are also taxable. Other taxable income includes Rental income, State benefits such as Carer’s Allowance, Jobseeker’s allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, and weekly Bereavement Allowance among others. The income tax rates in the UK depend on an individual’s personal income. According to Adam, Kaplan and Institute for Fiscal Studies, the 10% rate shows the tax rate for anybody who saves an income of up to GBP 2,4 00. The dividend income below GBP 37,400 is taxed at 10% while that above GBP 37,400 to GBP 150,000 is taxed at 32.5%. In addition, a tax of 42.5% is taxed on dividend income above GBP 150,000. Thus, this shows that income tax is lower in the UK than most countries including New Zealand and Australia. The relevant tax period in the UK starts from 6th April to 5th April in the next year. This includes both income tax and personal taxes. For instance, the 2010-2011 tax year started on 6th April in 2010 and ran through to 5th April 2011. (Adam, Kaplan and Institute for Fiscal Studies, 2002). In the UK, taxes and allowances are usually fixed for any given year, but they often change from one year to another. What is the relative importance of direct and indirect taxes in United Kingdom? What are the implications of this? Direct tax consists of income tax and wealth tax while indirect tax involves central excise duty, customs duty, service tax, purchase tax and value added tax (VAT). Inc ome tax is a direct tax on all incomes that are received by private individuals after some allowances are made. Direct taxes are usually paid directly to the Exchequer by the taxpayer through PAYE, which applies to corporate tax, as well. However, tax liability cannot be forwarded to someone else. Indirect taxes are such as VAT and several excise duties on tobacco, oil and alcohol. Indirect tax, unlike direct tax can be passed onto the final customer by the supplier depending on the price of elasticity of demand and supply of goods. However, over the last twenty years, economists have differed on the optimum mix of taxation between direct and indirect taxes, which has resulted in a shift towards indirect taxation. Economists argue that indirect taxes help in changing the overall pattern of demand for certain products and services, thus, affecting consumer demand such as an increase in the real duty on petrol. Indirect taxes are also useful in controlling and correcting externalities of both production and consumption. Also, they are less likely to interfere with people’s choice between work and leisure than the direct tax. Thus, they have a little negative effect on work incentives. Additionally, they allow a reduction in direct

Operationsat Zara Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Operationsat Zara - Assignment Example Zara’s success can be attributed to its unusual operations management and supply chain strategies which included zero advertising, trendy offerings, and up-to-the minute strategies among others. This paper analyses and discusses the importance of successful operations management and supply chain on gaining competitive advantage using Zara’s operations as a case study. According to Boyer and Verma (2010), supply chain management involves the management of flow of goods or services or both among business and between firms and consumers. The supply chain in itself is the flow of goods, service and information from the business or suppliers to the final consumer. It involves three interdependent chains; resources, material and information flows. In today’s business environment, the competition has been stepped up from company against company to supply chain against supply chain. According to Mangan and Lalwani (2008), supply chain management is closely linked to operations management since it also engages the flow of resource, information and materials. Operations management has been defined as the systematic approach to addressing issues in the transformation process that transforms inputs into useful revenue-generating outputs. According to Pycraft and Singh (2008), Operations management involves understanding the nature of problems and issues to be studied; setting measures of performance; collecting relevant data, making use of scientific tools, techniques and solution methodologies; and coming up with efficient and effective solutions to the problems at hand. The main focus of operations management is to address planning, the design, and operational control of transformational processes which are central to the operations of the business. The major aim of operation management is to ensure that businesses are able to keep their cost at a minimum level and obtain revenues in excess of their costs through careful

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The U.K taxation system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The U.K taxation system - Essay Example The paper tells that taxable income includes income from employment either from part-time, full-time, or temporary employment. However, if people receive benefits or perks from their employer, they may be taxable. Income from partnerships or self-employment, pension income such as state pension, retirement annuity and personal or company pension, are also taxable as stated in the UK tax laws. Additionally, pensioner bonds, trust income and investment income, includes dividends on company shares except dividend income from ISAs, are also taxable. Other taxable income includes Rental income, State benefits such as Carer’s Allowance, Jobseeker’s allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, and weekly Bereavement Allowance among others. The income tax rates in the UK depend on an individual’s personal income. According to Adam, Kaplan and Institute for Fiscal Studies, the 10% rate shows the tax rate for anybody who saves an income of up to GBP 2,4 00. The dividend income below GBP 37,400 is taxed at 10% while that above GBP 37,400 to GBP 150,000 is taxed at 32.5%. In addition, a tax of 42.5% is taxed on dividend income above GBP 150,000. Thus, this shows that income tax is lower in the UK than most countries including New Zealand and Australia. The relevant tax period in the UK starts from 6th April to 5th April in the next year. This includes both income tax and personal taxes. For instance, the 2010-2011 tax year started on 6th April in 2010 and ran through to 5th April 2011. (Adam, Kaplan and Institute for Fiscal Studies, 2002). In the UK, taxes and allowances are usually fixed for any given year, but they often change from one year to another. What is the relative importance of direct and indirect taxes in United Kingdom? What are the implications of this? Direct tax consists of income tax and wealth tax while indirect tax involves central excise duty, customs duty, service tax, purchase tax and value added tax (VAT). Inc ome tax is a direct tax on all incomes that are received by private individuals after some allowances are made. Direct taxes are usually paid directly to the Exchequer by the taxpayer through PAYE, which applies to corporate tax, as well. However, tax liability cannot be forwarded to someone else. Indirect taxes are such as VAT and several excise duties on tobacco, oil and alcohol. Indirect tax, unlike direct tax can be passed onto the final customer by the supplier depending on the price of elasticity of demand and supply of goods. However, over the last twenty years, economists have differed on the optimum mix of taxation between direct and indirect taxes, which has resulted in a shift towards indirect taxation. Economists argue that indirect taxes help in changing the overall pattern of demand for certain products and services, thus, affecting consumer demand such as an increase in the real duty on petrol. Indirect taxes are also useful in controlling and correcting externalities of both production and consumption. Also, they are less likely to interfere with people’s choice between work and leisure than the direct tax. Thus, they have a little negative effect on work incentives. Additionally, they allow a reduction in direct

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Developing Language Skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Developing Language Skills - Assignment Example But only few can be used for a specific level or specific purpose of teaching. Before selecting a required material it is important to profile Students instructional needs and institutional goals. To make decision that what and how to teach a particular group of learners, the teachers should have some basic knowledge. Teacher should be directly informed about the learner population, student needs, and institutional goals. A systematic and ongoing needs assessment should obviously be a primary source of data for both course design and materials selection, so teachers can choose materials that best accommodate goals and objectives. Before evaluating textbooks, teachers should therefore study their students' backgrounds and the requirements of their programs and institutions, perhaps by reviewing the findings of a recent need assessment. After getting the basic information about the skills of learner it has become easier to select suitable resources for learners. As described above a vast range of published material is available that can be used for developing skills of learners. Following four very famous books were selected after thorough research and investigations. A lesson plan is a comprehensive and predetermined schedule of every activity of teacher in classroom for achieving optimal results. A lesson plan can be of many forms and types. It usually depends on time span, style of educator and type of subject to be taught. But the basic and main objective of any type of lesson plan is to provide teacher a pre-planned line of action for presenting materials and interacting with learners. The lesson plan should not be merely an action plan but it should provide a useful link between objectives of curriculum and material to be taught. As per instructions a detailed two-hour lesson plan is presented here for ESOL Curriculum Level I. First chapter of simple and attractive novel of Charlotte Bront Jane Eyre

Monday, October 14, 2019

Notes on the Ethical Theories Essay Example for Free

Notes on the Ethical Theories Essay Immanuel Kant (notice that he lived in the 1700’s and people likely had different views back then), a philosopher, believes that using reason, one can make a list of ethical actions. Kant says that one must generalize the certain action he is about to do to see if it is reasonable. For example, you ask yourself â€Å"should I cut the line in the cafeteria?† The way you can answer this question is by asking yourself â€Å"What if everyone cut the line?† Of course, if that happened then there would be chaos, so you shouldn’t cut the line. This also applies to stealing, murdering, and keeping promises. He basically says that everyone is equal and you shouldn’t justify your actions to yourself because you are not special and you wouldn’t want others to do that to you. â€Å"Treat others as you would have them treat you.† Golden Rule. But, if only you do this and no one else does you are going to get eaten up by the world. This may contradict a person’s adaptability and may negatively appeal to emotion; you will feel like a B-. Veil of ignorance- You have two people who love cake. Tell one person to cut a cake in half but let the other choose which half to take. Again, Golden Rule. Kant says there is a difference between objects and people, you can replace objects but not people. Someone broke my computer, I am sad. He buys me a new one, I am happy. I am about to die, my parents are sad. They can clone me, should they be happy? He also says that you shouldn’t kill people for the greater good. But what if they were murderers or rapists aren’t they causing sadness, and their deaths would in fact be for the greater good? Kant sees that a persons intentions that count rather than the final result. But what if I am helping a person, who is bad and corrupt, against a thief who is only trying to feed his family, quite the dilemma. Kant uses only reasoning rather than emotion so that people always do what is right rather than when they feel like it. Consistency is key to his theories. Criticisms of Kant Moral Absolutism You can’t always not lie. What if a murderer wants to kill your dad? Your dad hides and then the murder breaks in and asks you were he is. If you follow Kant’s ideas, you would tell him where your dad is. There must be some sort of emotion to counteract those who do not follow the philosophy of Kant. But again, Kant is saying that EVERYONE should do this, and this murderer wouldn’t exist in Kant’s ideal world. Rule worship- To blindly follow rules without using your own knowledge. â€Å"If rules can not be bent, then they should be broken.† Conflicts of duty- should you steal the medicine for your dying wife? Should you save your grandmother from the burning house or the doctor who can save many people? Moral coldness- The world would be emotionless and sad. There will be little space for happiness because everything is going to be so constant and emotions will have a very small presence. Utilitarianism- Seek the greatest happiness for the greatest number. What if you could randomly pick 10 people to die and save 100? Would you do it? You can say yes, because it logical, you use no emotion what so ever. That goes against Kant though because he says that people have dignity and you shouldn’t take that away. You can say no, where you are mostly using emotion.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Tension and Conflict in Mending Wall :: Mending Wall Essays

Tension and Conflict in Mending Wall    The conflict in "Mending Wall" develops as the speaker reveals more and more of himself while portraying a native Yankee and responding to the regional spirit he embodies. The opposition between observer and observed--and the tension produced by the observer's awareness of the difference--is crucial to the poem. Ultimately, the very knowledge of this opposition becomes itself a kind of barrier behind which the persona, for all his dislike of walls, finds himself confined. But at the beginning, the Yankee farmer is not present, and the persona introduces himself in a reflective, offhanded way, musing about walls: Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it And spills the upper boulders in the sun, And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. Clearly, he is a casual sort. He broaches no difficult subjects, nor does he insist on talking about himself; yet Frost is at his best in a sentence like this. Through the language and rhythm of the lines we gain a faint but unmistakable sense of the poem's conflict. Like the "frozen-ground-swell," it gathers strength while lying buried beneath the denotative surface of the poem. From the start, we suspect that the speaker has more sympathy than he admits for whatever it is "that doesn't love a wall." Frost establishes at the outset his speaker's discursive indirection. He combines the indefinite pronoun "something" with the loose expletive construction "there is" to evoke a ruminative vagueness even before raising the central subject of walls. A more straightforward character (like the Yankee farmer) might condense this opening line to three direct words: "Something dislikes walls." But Frost employs informal, indulgently convoluted language to provide a linguistic texture for the dramatic conflict that develops later in the poem. By using syntactical inversion ("something there is . . .") to introduce a rambling, undisciplined series of relative clauses and compound verb phrases ("that doesn't love . . . that sends . . . and spills . . . and makes . . ."), he evinces his persona's unorthodox, unrestrained imagination. Not only does this speaker believe in a strange force, a seemingly intelligent, natural or supernatural "something" that "sends the frozen-ground-swell" to ravage the wall, but his speech is also charged with a deep sensitivity to it. The three active verbs ("sends," "spills," "makes") that impel the second, third, and fourth lines forward are completed by direct objects that suggest his close observation of the destructive process.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Rayona’s Growth in A Yellow Raft In Blue Water Essay -- Yellow Raft Bl

Rayona’s Growth in A Yellow Raft In Blue Water      Ã‚   As the subject of the first section of Doris' novel, A Yellow Raft In Blue Water, Rayona faces many problems that are unique to someone her age. Ray's mixed race heritage makes her a target of discrimination on the reservation. Problems in her family life (or lack thereof), give Rayona a reversed role in which she is the mother taking care of Christine. In dealing with these issues, Rayona learns a lot about herself and others.    Because of the life that Christine leads, the role of mother and daughter are switched and Rayona often finds herself watching out for her mom. When Ray comes home from school, she would often learn that her mother had gone out to party. Times like this meant that Rayona had to care for herself. It is not uncommon for one to stay out late; but when it is the parent who is doing so, one must question the responsibility of the person. When Christine leaves the hospital, Rayona shows up and helps prevent a potential disaster. She realizes what her mother plans to do, and that her mom will not crash the car with her on board. While Christine is not very reliable, she has no wish to hurt Rayona either; Ray's prediction was correct. As a child, Rayona must fulfill more obligations than a normal teen. Over the time that leads to her abandonment, Rayona begins to feel displaced from her mother. Christine's increasing self concern causes Rayona to feel her mom is ignoring her, when that is no t true at all.    In any given culture, people are proud of their heritage. However, when an individual of one group meets with people of another, and the element of ignorance is added, the individual will be socially ostracized. Of mixed descent, Rayon... ...lways easy to accomplish. After getting bucked off for the first time then the second, Ray feels that she has "a connection to a power that she never knew existed (120)." This event enormously boosts Rayona's self-perception and leads her forward in life.    As a teen, Rayona is in a confusing period of life. The gradual breakdown of her family life places an addition burden on her conscience. Without others for support, Rayona must find a way to handle her hardships. At first, she attempts to avoid these obstacles in her life, by lying, and by not voicing her opinions. Though when confronting them, she learns to feel better about herself and to understand others.    Works Cited Gleick, Elizabeth. "An Imperfect Union." Newsweek. 28 April 1997: 68-69. Covert, Collin. "The Anguished Life of Michael Dorris." Star Tribune. 3 Aug. 1997: A1, A10-A13.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Bob Mcdonald P

Introduction Procter and Gamble is a company that has shown impressive success since its creation in the year 1837. Procter and Gamble has made its way to a successful career and is now a globally recognized business to business firm that distributes several products around the world. Bob McDonald is the current President and CEO of the firm. He has held this difficult job since 2009 and has also contributed to recent success of the firm. The reason why this position is so difficult is due to the very diverse and complicated activity of the firm.Nevertheless Bob McDonald has done a lot for the firm and has kept the firm up and running and at its best. A former U. S Army captain, Bob McDonald has worked for Procter and Gamble for 30 years before he became CEO. Since he applied for a job in P&G in 1980, he worked himself to the top through the years in the firm. Upon entering the firm, Bob never thought of becoming a CEO. He just needed a stable job and a permanent home in Cincinnati.B ob explains his wrong expectations in the following quote â€Å"I was leaving the military service, and I really joined P&G in order to spend my entire life and raise my family in a city like Cincinnati and never have to move. So in 1989, when the company came to me and said, â€Å"We'd like you to move to Toronto, Canada,† I said, â€Å"Did I do something wrong? † (Bernard-Kuhn, 2012) Due to the fact that the former CEO of the firm anticipated that the company was going to be more successful in international markets, he sent Bob and other company employees to work in different parts of the world where P&G facilities existed.When Bob achieved his new position as CEO he expressed his feelings by saying â€Å"I would describe those first weeks as filled with anxiety and humility. This is an institution that is, in my mind, the greatest company in the history of the world. There are fewer than 40 countries that have been around as long as P&G. † Bob felt out of pl ace and felt burdened to has such huge responsibility on his neck. (Bernard-Kuhn, 2012) Bob McDonald and P&G As I said before Bob, when Bob became CEO he had no plans. He was afraid of the responsibility given to him. This was what pushed him to implement some great strategies.These strategies proved successful and increased the firm’s overall quality of performance. The first step Bob McDonald took as CEO of Procter and Gamble is reaffirming the firm’s purpose which is â€Å"to touch and improve the lives of the world’s consumers through branded products of superior quality and value†. (McDonald, 2012) He was determined to increase the firms growth through introducing superior products to satisfy consumer needs and wants in a sustainable and profitable manner. He was not exactly sure how he was to that and is why he replied to friends’ congratulations by saying, â€Å"Please don't congratulate me. It's way too premature.Wait until I retire, and l et's look back and see whether or not the company is stronger than it was when I took over. † (Bernard-Kuhn, 2012) Bob was frightened by the degree of responsibility that he was burdened by and was not sure how he was to succeed in making the firm better. Bob introduced a new strategy which was implementing immediately. His strategy was to focus on its â€Å"40 largest businesses, its 20 most successful innovations, and the 10 most profitable developing markets†. (McDonald, 2012) This strategy is basically based on good consumer relationship building through the augmentation of brand awareness and brand effectiveness.Due to its diverse products Procter and Gamble has often found itself generalizing in terms of targeting. It was not doing a very good job of reaching out to the right consumers with the right brands. By focusing on certain brands, however, and properly targeting the right segments for these brands Bob was able to create a better public image for the firm. Basically the steps that were taken here are turning brands into innovative ones and proving the right brand and product for the right consumer. This strategy has led to 4% growth for Procter and Gamble each year four every year it since it was implemented in 2009.This growth has been achieved even though there was no market growth and there were many problems emerging such as the financial crisis and decreases in the market shares. So that was pretty impressive. The company’s stated the results of its growth since the implementation of the strategy b stating â€Å"in the last fiscal year, P;G returned $10 billion of cash to shareholders through $6 billion of dividends and $4 billion of share repurchase. P;G paid a dividend for the 122nd consecutive year – one of only nine companies to have done this. The Company increased the dividend by 7%.This was the 56th consecutive year the dividend increased – one of only six companies to have done this†. (â€Å"P rocter and gamble,† 2012) Bob McDonald Leadership When speaking of how Bob leads his company we see that he follows a value-based leadership. He has spoken of this type of leadership several times. He often says that â€Å"living a life driven by purpose is more meaningful and rewarding than meandering through life without direction†. (Knight, 2011) He believes that a successful business requires good planning because people want to work with leaders who are predictable and who plan out everything in their lives.Bob said to a group of students in a speech that â€Å"people like to work for leaders that are predictable, they like to work for leaders that have a purpose in their own lives and a values system they can follow. † (Henretty, 2008) Bob even encourages his employees to seek a purpose in life rather that only focus on a job in Procter and Gamble. He says that this makes for more innovation and more willingness to make efforts. He tells his employees †Å"don’t make your goal in life a position at Procter and Gamble. You need something a little bigger than that†. Henretty, 2008) Bob defines a good leader as someone who builds teams that put certain value in their work. These teams should learn to work together and through time become like a family. He further defines good leadership by saying that â€Å"â€Å"the true test of leadership isn’t what happens when you’re there, it’s what happens when you leave. † (Henretty, 2008) Basically his idea is all about team building and keeping the team together. The type of leadership Bob uses was favored by employees. This is because Bob encouraged employees to seek value in their live and to be innovative.This tolerance of freedom led to willing employees. Employees started working as if the company was theirs. Of course there is a always a negative side to everything. Inefficient employees were often sacked. As a matter of fact Bob got rid of many employees to leave room for new innovative ones. Although this was not appreciated by some it had to be done in order to keep expanding as a team. Bobs speeches were very innovative and pushed employees to do their best. Conclusion To conclude, Procter and Gamble has grown tremendously since Bob McDonald ecame CEO. Bob used many strategies to enforce sales. The secret of his success were not only due to brand and product oriented strategies, but was also a result of good leadership and good team management. His leadership skills played a major role in shaping the employees of the company. Although Bob was forced to make harsh decisions and fire people he also recruited quite a number of able and experienced employees. Bernard-Kuhn, L. (2012). Procter ; gamble ceo: Company is people powered. The Cincinnati Enquirer, Retrieved from http://www. usatoday. om/story/money/business/2012/11/19/procter-gamble-ceo- mcdonald/1715573/ Henretty, A. (2008, July 10). Man with a plan: P;g coo bob m cdonald on ‘values-based leadership’. Retrieved from http://www. kellogg. northwestern. edu/News_Articles/2008/bobmcdonaldpg. aspx Knight, B. (2011, September 7). P;g ceo bob mcdonald on values-based leadership. Retrieved from http://www. owenbloggers. com/2011/09/07/pg-ceo-bob-mcdonald-on-value-based- leadership/ McDonald, B. (2012). Procter and gamble. Retrieved from http://www. pg. com/en Procter and gamble. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. pg. com/en

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Maslow and Jung: Life and the Workplace Essay

We work, strive, succeed, and sometimes we fail. What drives us to succeed, or in some cases keeps us from success? Perhaps a better understanding of our motives, and the motives of our colleagues would help us make the personality changes we need to succeed. The way we interact with others in the workplace and our personal life may be improved. The Freudian theories opened our minds to many of our odd behaviors but did little to provide methods of self-examination. Very few of us have the time and the funds available for in-depth psychoanalysis. The theories of Carl Jung and Abraham Maslow are interesting and, in certain respects, opposing. With study, introspection, and a better awareness of others, aspects of the theories of Jung and Maslow can be used by most individuals to improve their working and personal relationships. Carl Jung was a younger colleague of Sigmund Freud but he made the exploration of â€Å"inner space† his life’s work. Jung and Freud began to go their separate ways in 1909 even though Freud had once considered Jung his heir apparent, the â€Å"crown prince of psychoanalysis† (Boeree, 2006 Pg 3  ¶3). Jung had an extensive knowledge of mythology, religion, and philosophy. He was especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions: Gnosticism, Alchemy, Kabala, Hinduism, and Buddhism. He had a capacity for lucid dreaming and occasional visions (Boeree, 2006). Jung divided the psyche into three parts: ego, personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. The ego and personal unconscious are very much like Freud’s understanding of the psyche; the collective unconscious was added to Freud’s theories and stands out from all others. This part of the psyche represents our experiences as a species, a knowledge with which we are born (Boeree, 2006). Jung spent a great deal of time in self-examination. Much of his theory is based on this introspection and a source of criticism from several of his colleagues. Jung carefully recorded his dreams, fantasies, and visions; he felt if we could recapture our mythologies, our ghosts, we could understand these ghosts and heal our mental illnesses (Boeree, 2006). Jung’s sense of personal examination and commonality of the unconscious may allow us all to heal and live better, more fulfilling lives. Abraham Maslow’s belief in Humanistic Psychology and his Hierarchy of Needs can be, and has been, applied in the workplace outside of psychology. A pyramid, with Physiological Needs at its base, represents the Hierarchy (Boeree, 2006). The Hierarchy’s five stages: physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and Self-actualization explain many of the motivations within the workplace. One example is the rather obvious puzzle of why employees are only temporarily satisfied by a raise in salary. Inevitably, most employees are satisfied when first receiving the bump up in pay. However, just as inevitably, shortly thereafter the same employee expects another raise; he has become dissatisfied. Even when the raises in pay are forthcoming in intervals that are acceptable, the employee still seems to become dissatisfied. Maslow believed that we are driven to understand and accept ourselves as fully as possible, and are motivated to satisfy ever-increasing levels of motivation. Once the basic need of enough money to provide a basic standard of living is met, the employee is still driven to satisfy higher needs. These higher needs may include a sense of personal achievement (Heffner, 2002). Maslow felt that no one would ever reach the top of his hierarchy but should realistically try only to get as close as possible. Through our continued journey in life, meeting problems and issues, we can either grow or slip backward. We can choose to learn and continue climbing or give up. Most people choose to continue their climb. With some, this choice is not an actual conscious decision. The choice is more of a drive to succeed or a cycle of happiness and depression that we have trouble understanding. As a supervisor or manager, our ability to understand the constant cycle of satisfaction and dissatisfaction may mean the difference between a successful career and failure. If in a career or business the only answer to dissatisfaction is monetary, excessive cost to the company can be easily caused and still have unhappy employees and a high turnover rate. Conclusion Carl Jung’s introspection and self-examination have led us to the realization that childhood traumas are not the only sources of behavior and personality characteristics. Our continued learning from our experiences, our differentiation, gives us a life-long ability to make corrections. Abraham Maslow’s understanding of our motivation and constant striving for satisfaction has brought the person back into Psychology and given renewed attention to the truly human qualities that make up us all. Understanding the motivation and satisfaction needs of colleagues, our family members, and ourselves provides avenues of action that were previously only sources of frustration. Taking heed of both schools of psychological thought, the Neo-Freudian Carl Jung and the Humanistic Psychology of Abraham Maslow, may be our best path for understanding our own behavior and motives and those of our colleagues and family. References Boeree, C. (2006). Abraham Maslow 1908-1970. Retrieved Jan. 22, 2006, from Personality Theories Web site: http://www. ship. edu/~cgboeree/maslow. html. Boeree, C. (2006). Carl Jung 1875 -1961. Retrieved Jan. 22, 2006, from Personality Theories Web site: http://www. ship. edu/%7Ecgboeree/jung. html. Heffner, C. (2002). Personality synopsis. Retrieved Jan. 22, 2006, from AllpsychON LINE, The Virtual Psychology Classroom Web site: http://allpsych. com/personalitysynopsis/index. html.

The Roles of Newspapers

The Roles of Newspapers Newspapers keep the people aware of the activities of the government. They mobilize public opinion. They play an important role in fighting the menace of corruption. In a democracy, there should be an efficient and fearless press. Press is the mirror of the society. Newspaper is one of the initial communication tools of the society. They’ve been the most usual and a generally received medium to be used in conveying the local, regional, international and national news to readers. Ever since the beginning of the society, the newspapers were published to convey the latest happening in different parts worldwide.Today the major dailies employ correspondents to collect news from all over the place and also from agencies. They write about any and every event happening at all corners of the world. They act as the guardian of the society. They help in developing public opinion. It acts as a mirror of the society and informs everything in minute detail, thus help s in forming a collective opinion. In this contemporary time the role of newspapers is very significant in the promotion of trade, commerce, and business. Big corporate houses and business houses promote their products by putting in giving roomy ads on papers.Advertisements like the classified advertisements, significant community announcements and communal notices also make up the chief content & substance of newspapers. Sporting, educational as well as campus news, cultural activities, dance drama, and fine arts are a few of the indispensable features of every primary newspaper. The readers get the knowledge of any and every activity happening in and around the area. They read about the opinion and reviews, the editorials and feature articles to know about the incident in detail.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Kupreskic et al., Trial Chamber, Judgment, 14 January 2000, Case no Research Paper - 1

Kupreskic et al., Trial Chamber, Judgment, 14 January 2000, Case no. IT-95-16-T - Research Paper Example g the horrors and advances in international jurisprudence.2 Adding to the international regime for humanitarian international laws, the International Criminal Court (ICC) incorporated the draft Elements of Crimes which sets out the definition of humanitarian laws such as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes as provided for in the ICC Statute.3 The resulting body of international case law demonstrates that the international judiciary have developed a penchant for judicial creativity which sits somewhere between state practice and opinio juris and ultimately forms the foundations of international customary law.4 In Prosecutor v Kuprekic et al (Case No. IT-95-16 T) the ICTY determined that in determining the appropriate line of customary international law, reference must be had to domestic codes as well as case law.5 Essentially, the ICTY has used as demonstrated in Kuprekic et al national judgments for interpreting and applying treaties as well as customary international law and principles of international law.6 Taking the concept of state practice a step further, the ICTY in Kuprekic et al identified what is referred to as the concept of jus cogens in customary international law.7 Jus cogens takes the position that it is not necessary to conduct a protracted search of national laws for evidence that states are conducting themselves â€Å"out of a sense of obligation†.8 In other words certain human rights and concepts of humanity are taken for granted in customary international law. For instance the ICTY in the Prosecutor v Furundfija IT-95-17/I-T (December 10, 1998) ruled that the prohibitions and intolerance of torture are rules of jus cogens as well as the judgments contained in the International Court of Justice and the principles of the Martens Clause are concepts that lead jurisprudence or opinion juris.9 The Martens Clause therefore takes on a significant role in the development of international customary law in that it guides judicial

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Role of the Colonies in the British Mercantilist System Essay - 1

The Role of the Colonies in the British Mercantilist System - Essay Example With King James II, British colonies turned into a source of profit and power for the British Empire. King James II attempted to create a centrally managed Atlantic Empire (Henretta & Brody 93). Though the Glorious Revolution weakened royal grip on power, King James II put forth the foundations of mercantilism, such as the need to expand economically in order to be a glorious empire. British colonies thus served to improve British economic status among other monarchies and independent states and towns in Europe. Mercantilism was a policy promoting self sufficiency among countries of the day (Nettels 105). According to Nettels, â€Å"[t]he policy aimed to gain for the nation a high degree of security or self-sufficiency, especially as regards food supply, raw materials needed for essential industries, and the sinews of war† (105). With this goal in mind, the British aristocracy pursued colonies which could produce sugar, tobacco and other food products. In exchange, they were r equired to buy English manufactured goods, or use the English merchants as intermediaries (Henretta & Brody 69). This practice was prescribed by the Staple Act of 1663, according to which colonial planters bought most of the needed manufactured goods from England (Nettels 109). England prohibited trade with other European countries, as it could not impose favorable terms of trade (Nettels 105). English government designed laws that would keep colonies dependent upon English economy (108).  

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Therapeutic Nurse Patient Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Therapeutic Nurse Patient Relationship - Essay Example According to Wright (2006), the relationship is mutual, founded on trust, respect and professional intimacy. For a therapeutic patient nurse patient relationship to function effectively, the nurse should use his/her professional powers appropriately. Other people responsible for the patient’s wellbeing such as family members or friends also form an important component of the therapeutic nurse patient relationship. Duration of therapeutic nurse patient relationship varies, depending on the health needs of the patient and it expires once the patient recovers. Moreover, it also depends on the possibility of having to take care of the patient once again in future. However, the relationship between the nurse and the patient’s friends or family is not limited to the duration of care and may continue after the client is no longer under the care of the particular nurse. In therapeutic nurse patient relationship, the nurse is not only responsible for establishing the association with the client but also in maintaining it. According to Barry (1996), maintaining the relationship requires professional application of nursing knowledge, skills and behaviors. In healthcare setting, therapeutic nurse client relationship comprises four main elements, namely trust, power, respect and professional intimacy (DeLaune & Ladner, 2002). ... Power is the other defining element of the patient client relationship and NANB (2011) argues that it is tilted in favor of the nurse. The registered nurse possesses more power and authority than the patient due to the higher position he or she holds in the healthcare system and his/her inherent specialized skills in nursing practice. This places the nurse in a more influential position of determining the nature of relationships with the client and other healthcare providers in a healthcare setting. Moreover, the nurse is in a better position of accessing sensitive information relating to the patient under his or her care (CNO, 2004). The manner in which the nurse utilizes these powers determines the nature of relationship with the clients. Therefore, it is important for the nurse to apply these powers appropriately to promote good working relationship with the patient and attainment of expected health outcomes. This ensures that the relative powerlessness of the patient is not taken advantage of and the client’s healthcare needs are met. Trust is another element of a therapeutic nurse patient relationship and it is shown by the confidence and faith that the client has about the nurse ability to cater for his or her health needs. According to Hubert (1998), the patient expects the nurse to apply his or her professional skills appropriately and exhibit compassionate attitude so that the client can develop trust on the nurse ability to take care of him or her. Therefore, the ability of a nurse to win the trust of the client is very important, considering the relative powerlessness of the patient in the nurse patient relationship. In order for the nurse to gain the trust of the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Latin American Literature (Marquez) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Latin American Literature (Marquez) - Essay Example When he enters the kitchen on the morning the Bishop is expected, both the cook, Victoria Guzman, and her daughter, Divina Flora, know what Santiago Nasar will not learn for some time--that two men are waiting outside the house to kill him. (Marquez, p.15-19) They, like many others Santiago will cross in the short time before his death, do not warn him. When the narrator's mother hears the news of what is to happen to Santiago, she immediately sets out to warn Placida Linero that her son is in danger, but is stopped in the street and told that "they've already killed him." The twins even reveal their plans to a policeman who passes on the information to the mayor, yet even that does not stop the murder. On her wedding night, Angela furious husband returns Angela to her family. This is seen as violence to her family, especially in the conventions of the time where such an act brings shame to both Angela and her family. As one might expect, she is now put under a lot of pressure to tel l her family who it was that took her virginity.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Fundamental health law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fundamental health law - Essay Example Mr. Russell wants to go ahead and sue the state that giving him the vaccine against his will is a complete violation of his personal autonomy under the 14th amendment of the constitution of the United States. Mr. Russell has a valid argument in his wish to file for a case against the state, despite the fact that the U.S constitution does not have any direct rights to privacy, however one is entitled to a right of privacy under the personal autonomy, an individual is allowed to choose whether to take part in precise activities, or subject themselves to particular acts. This precise personal autonomy is a liberty that is safeguarded by the due process clause of the 14th amendment; this liberty is defined in a general and narrow way whereby one is entitled to the rights of privacy in the family, child rearing ad other social activities. With this in mind, it is legal for Mr. Russell to refuse to be vaccinated. A good references case to why Mr. Russell have a viable argument in court the Jacobson v. Massachusetts in 1905 at the United States .Supreme Court. The implication of the Jacobson v. Massachusetts in relation to the one of Mr. Russell’s vs. the State is the rights to pressure citizens in circumstances that are not applicable. The case at hand was whether the state had the right to force Mr. Jacobson to receive a vaccination. This is after a law had been passed in the Massachusetts sin the year 1902 that required all people who had not received any vaccination for the last five years to receive one, failure to that would result to a fine. Jacobson declined to this order and the fine as well and filed for a case against the state, his argument was the state invaded on his personal autonomy. The Supreme Court in Massachusetts ruled in favor of the state, this was because despite the legal personal autonomy rights that an individual

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Cbs Tells Sodastream to Revise Brand-Bashing Super Bowl Essay Example for Free

Cbs Tells Sodastream to Revise Brand-Bashing Super Bowl Essay Every year, the Super Bowl attracts some of the best and most high-priced advertising in the world. But it also lures a horde of publicity-seekers claiming their commercials have been censored or rejected by the host network. In nearly all cases, the complaining marketers never really had a shot at the Super Bowl, thanks to shoddy production values, truly objectionable content and, more often than not, the inability to pony up more than $3 million for an ad. And its a common occurrence for the network to ask event sponsors to tweak or edit the content for a variety of reasons (which also can yield a PR bonanza if a sponsor cries foul just ask serial offender GoDaddy. com). But SodaStream, a mainstream advertiser that some time ago purchased a spot in the games fourth quarter, said this wasnt a PR gambit. So whats the issue? The content of its planned commercial seemed to have concerned CBS because it was a direct hit at two other Super Bowl sponsors and heavy network TV advertisers: Coke and Pepsi SodaStream, which sells home soda-making machines, has already run afoul of authorities in the U.K. for a Bogusky-crafted spot indicating its product is more environmentally friendly than established sodas; the spot shows branded bottles and cans of soft drinks exploding into thin air. For the Super Bowl, it hoped to up the ante with a spot depicting truck drivers clad in clothing with Coca-Cola and Pepsi marks on them, according to Ilan Nacasch, SodaStreams chief marketing officer. We really tried to comply with the standards set by CBS, he said. At the same time, he added, We were taking it to a new level, and thats the level where they apparently judged to be going too far. Interestingly enough, Pepsi has scored big points with viewers over the years by showing Super Bowl ads with Coke deliverymen abandoning their employer wholesale for a sip of a Pepsi drink. Of course, Pepsi (and, for that matter, Coke) buys multiple ads in the Super Bowl each year, as well as spends millions of dollars on other broadcast-TV advertising. Another Super Bowl sponsor, Anheuser-Busch InBev with Pepsi this year for in-store displays and promotions. A CBS spokeswoman said network executives declined to comment. Bummed, Mr. Bogusky, famous for his work at CPB still in the game with an older spot we tweaked.

Song Of Myself By Walt Whitmans English Literature Essay

Song Of Myself By Walt Whitmans English Literature Essay Song of Myself , by Walt Whitmans Background Song of Myself is a poem by Walt Whitmans. This poem presents a continual stream of human consciousness, where he attempts to analyze death as natural and transformative process, which ought to occur to everybody. Walt Whitman was an American poet born in 1819 and died on 26th March 1892. The poet was born in Town of Huntington, Long Island, New York, U.S.In his previous years, Whitman worked as government employee ,and during the helm of his literally work he used to work as health care assistant in the American war . He is regarded as a humanist, who saw the transition of 1800s transcendentalism into realism, which incorporated both concepts and views of his work. During his reign, his literally work was regarded as controversial because it incorporated my contents that were regarded as sexually obscene. It is the same poem, Song of Myself, which marked Whitmans career as an influential poet of the time. Among the 12 poems found in the in the publication Leaves of grass, it is only the Song of Myself which has emerged as the most famous. Themes in Song of Myself by Walt Whitmans Various themes have been depicted in the poem, and the most identifiable ones include the concept of shared experience, Divinity, Love, Sexuality, death, and life after death. Under the theme of shared experience, Whitman describes relationships as a natural part of life, where he affirms the positive connection between personal feelings and relationship with other people. This concept depicted in the verse I celebrate myself and sing myself, and what I assume you shall assume, for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. The poet does not discriminate elements of life and he elaborates that their equality among all things in the world, whether dead or alive. After reading the poem, the reader of the poem appreciates everything around them as connected, and nothing occurs under separate entity. Egalitarianism with the related shared experience is also presented in verse 48, which says I have said that the soul is not more than the body, and I have said that the body is not more than the soul. This verse illustrates the tranquility in the poem, which gives all components of the body equal merits. Another theme critically depicted is Death. All through the poem, Whitman describes death as a natural part of every individual life. He does not believe on physical death, and he assumes that when one dies he will rise again in another transformed form, They are alive and well somewhere, the smallest sprout shows there is really no death. In this theme, he also affirms his contribution to the world, where he argues that even after he dies, his corpse will contribute to establishment of new life on earth. This means he does not believe in death. Another theme clearly shown in poem is the aspect of life. Despite the fact that he sees death as transformation to another life, he eludes the prospect of an afterlife after one dies. This theme is elaborated in section 6, where he says all goes onward and outward, nothing collapses. Whitman regards life as a gift from God, and he personifies life as anchor, which links the living and the non living. In relation to the theme sexuality, Whitmans describes sexuality as an element that makes soul sensual .The encounter of two individuals in section five expresses the poets desire in relation to sex ,which he values as the synthesis of body and soul. He critically argues that sensual feeling is part of life, which makes it more enjoyable since if one is not living, they cannot enjoy it. Comment of Whitmans language and verse One thing about this poem is that it depicts several literary devices such as alliteration, similes, metaphors, tone and imagery. In writing the poem, Whitmans uses a lot of imagery as an indicative of life and death. This way death and life clearly presented. Metaphors and personification have also been used in the poem. These relate to the exact happenings in life. There is also the consistent use of imagery to depict things life love and its meaning. For example, the line I celebrate myself and sing myself, and what I assume you shall assume, for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. is a simile. These have been paralleled with the major issues presented in the poem. Similes to the life events have also been amplified in the poem. A lot of alliterations are also evident in the poem. The tone of realism and humanity has also been praised in this poem. This presents the cries and anguish of the narrator. The reader will be in a position of getting the tone of the poem f rom the first reading. The use of specific words such as dark night and love help to set the poems tone. There are numerous allusions of the poem to other works that are symbolic. Whitman also uses alliterations in the poem. The alliteration of letter b sound is presented in broken blinds. Song of Myself by Walt Whitmans contains a total of contains 52 verses describing the feeling of life and death. In almost all verses, Whitman presents the internal girth obtained from self satisfaction. The poems analyze living as the lifestyle, while death as an escape to lifes suffering. The author explains the exact meaning of death, love, life, and how human beings relate to each other. Reading the poems, the author expresses his own feelings and emotions through use of words that can easily be understood by the reader. This is why he concentrated on the major issues directly affecting peoples lives. The main concern of the author was to understand the meaning of life and how people can be happier in it. Some of the harsh facts and situations he came across in his life regarding death and meaning of the hostile world must have inspired him to write these poems The 52 verses in the poem are presented by the author in such a way that they describe the main feeling felt by an indiv idual after enjoying life to the fullest. This unexplainable feeling has very many impacts on ones emotions and life in general. In conclusion, Whitman views and opinions about life, love and death strike me. This is because he presents the realities of life, love and mistrust in men. The poems explain the meaning of living and the mistrust that comes with it.