Thursday, August 27, 2020

Work Place essays

Work Place expositions There is a business requirement for new PC frameworks in the Transportation Department. The frameworks that they are right now utilizing are obsolete, out of memory, and can not stay aware of the speed of the business. I have picked two new frameworks, IBM Net Vista A20 ThinkPad and the IBM PC300GL. I suggest the IBM Net Vista A20 as a result of the versatility that it offers. Both will skillfully play out the activity just as offer space to develop. IBM Net Vista A20 Think-Pad $839.00. IBM PC300GL Desktop $852.00. Complete expense for the division is $20,136.00 for the Think-Pad or $20,448.00 for the work areas. Net Vistas highlights are: 566MHZ Intel Celeron Processor, 64MB RAM, 10GB HD, and Windows 98 working framework. PC300GLs highlights are: 533MHZ Intel Celeron Processor, 64 MB RAM, 15GB HD, and Windows 98 working framework. More joyful representatives and less cash spent on extending more established frameworks. This will likewise forestall the measure of calls made to the assistance work area. Less framework issues which implies that we can be progressively gainful for the duration of the day. The capacity to be versatile and the capacity to work from different areas. The frameworks that we are as of now utilizing are P100s that were produced in 1994. None of these frameworks are fit for being extended. The new frameworks will have more memory, quicker processors, and bigger hard drives. The hard drive on the Net Vista is 10GB, while the PC300 accompanies a 15GB hard drive. The extra 5GB of memory will have a significant effect in the measure of records that we can store. On the update dated October fifteenth, 1998, Daniel Snyder expressed, We should lessen the measure of paper that we are utilizing. I don't have the foggiest idea whether the issue is squander, over the top printing, or maltreatment of IBM property, yet this must stop. The acquisition of either framework, including the additional memory, will guarantee that we are in direct ... <!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Between Realism and Idealism Free Essays

A lot of contention in the public activity of distinctive individuals has been realized by the presence of these ideas bringing up certain issues of significance. Should an individual point so high to a degree that is difficult to reach or point normal that is attainable? Should the individual accept on hopeful stand or a skeptical one? Should the individual regard others or reasonable for them? The presence of the different branches as to these classes demonstrates that optimism or authenticity is never directly as for all the branches. The issue of optimism and authenticity as a discussion tends to the issues of whether an individual’s life just as activities ought to be acceptable as has been offered by the authoritative opinion of the Christians lifestyle. We will compose a custom article test on Among Realism and Idealism or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now The issue of whether the individual ought to have a mindful sense just as be reasonable with respect to the day by day life is a determinant of whether the individual is living in a practical or in a hopeful lifestyle. As, the issue of whether an individual an individual should drink or not relies upon the stand the individual has taken as to the two boundaries. It is clear that an individual can drink and do no underhandedness to the others while someone else who doesn't drink at all may make mischief of essentially high extent the life of others. Each distinctive individual is conceivably proficient for being acceptable inside. From a sensible perspective anyway a few people are so static as to issues of progress. As relates the issue of whether the individual should drink or not, the decency or the reasonableness of this will exceptionally rely upon the stand that the individual has taken. It is a likelihood that one individual beverages and submits no mischief to other people while someone else forgoing the movement might be of extraordinary difficulty to others. Moreover the Christian Bible doesn't denounce drinking as a movement, yet drunkardness as the impact of the action (Tomuschat 83). As an unmistakable guide with regards to the best remain to take throughout everyday life, a traditionalist way to deal with life is the most honorable methodology whereby the activities of the individual are dictated by the should be reasonable, comply with the standard of equity just as balance in a genuine circumstance. It is acceptable to make all the individuals get what is directly for them, treating everyone similarly and making a decision about everyone the activities liable for the individual. The choice by the person to mastermind a Sunday outing will likewise rely upon the stand that the individual has taken since the excursion may show various thought processes. An excursion that is intended for acceptable just as for the administration of others is advocated even at the setting of the good book (Tomuschat 113). The differentiating conviction is for individuals to live in an existence of goodness, benevolence just as uniformity remembering that each individual bears knowledge which is a guide towards the activities taken, which are all upheld by some explanation. The limit with respect to comprehension is an unmistakable lead to goodness. A reasonable treatment to all the individuals is significant sign if the individual experienced an awful life in the youth or is exposed to unconducive conditions that fall outside the ability to control of the individual is an aftereffect of destitution compensation, there happen a prerequisite for remuneration with the goal that everybody appreciates life in an equivalent limit. The carelessness of others is liable for the activities of others in the light of the contemplations of the questionability of individuals. Individuals are inclined to committing errors and this is so normal. A decent individual might be caught and adjusted in the official courtroom for having submitted a mix-up. In the light of this contention, the ownership of a Christian spouse or in any case likewise relies upon the remain of the individual wife in to the extent the two limits of authenticity and vision are concerned. The Christian spouse should be a model for vision, a stand which whenever crushed by authenticity, which bears strong impact to the conduct just as the activity of human, is proportional with having a wife who is anything but a Christian (Tomuschat 213). End In the thought of the contention among equity and goodness, non is similar to what God is in a situation to deal with which is for the most part in an ideal manner and being neither renegade nor traditionalist and offering an inquiry less circumstance as respects the right parity in presence between the limits of equity on one side and effortlessness on the other. On account of the individual, who forces the attributes of inadequacy concerning a few viewpoints they can just handle these ideas autonomously and one at each advantageous time consequently encouraging into gatherings of various directions. It consequently significant for a person to lead an existence of mindfulness, that is instrumental towards the disclosure of the remain of the person as for vision or authenticity. Work refered to Christian, Tomuschat, Between Idealism Realism. second ed. USA: Oxford University Press, 2004.  The most effective method to refer to Between Realism and Idealism, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

How To Fix Duplicate Title Tags Detected in Google Search Console

How To Fix Duplicate Title Tags Detected in Google Search Console Google Search Console has included some powerful tools that help users to improve their site SEO. And this SEO improvement lead to higher visibility on Google search engine. There are often Googlebot visit your site and collect information about your websites resources. And if it finds any issue then automatically it sends report to Google Search Console. So for finding error on your site then you must register your site with Google search Console. Otherwise you wont able to view and aware what is happening on your site? There is several error and issues arise while we maintain our Website. Among them Duplicate title tags affects our site SEO. Its great if you have an optimized title tag for your home page, but please make sure its not the only title tag you have on your site. How to check Duplicate Title tags on Google Search Console? Dont think that this is very hard to check SEO error, because you have Google search Console. If you have registered with it then relax and get details information about your site errors. Its very easy to check for duplicate titles. To check duplicate title tags, just go through below steps- Step 1Go to and login to your account. From GoogleSearch Console DashboardclickSearch Appearanceto expend option and click BlockedHTML Improvementslink. Step 2Now locate Duplicate title tags from the HTML Improvementspage. If your website containing Duplicate title tags then you would see the duplicate title tag link turned blue with URL. Just click on it. Step 3Now you would see details report about Duplicate title tags containing URL. Just click on any URL and see duplicate tags on your Blog post titles. So now you are aware about duplicate title tag containing posts. We can solve this problem by manually or automatically. I will explain both methods here. How To Fix Duplicate Title Tags Detected in Google Search Console? There are 4 available methods for fixing Duplicate Title Tags from Google Search Console. But we have to use both methods in our website. Otherwise we wont able to fix the problem completely. Method 1: Search The Post In Website and Fix It This is basic problem fixing method. And this will help you to fix the issue accurately. From my point of view this method is ideal if possible. But if your website containing huge posts with Duplicate title tags error then it is not possible to follow but you must fix the issue manually first. Do it in several days. If you try to fix the entire URL at a time then you would become tired. However please go through the below steps to fix Duplicate title tags on your website. Step 1From Google Search Console clickSearch Appearanceto expend option and click BlockedHTML Improvementslink. Step 2 Now locate Duplicate title tags from the HTML Improvementspage and click on it, then you would see the duplicate title tag with URL lists. Step 3 And Click the URL to open it in your Browser. And search the Post from your Blogger Dashboard. After that change the Title tags. Thats it. Duplicate title tags will fix after next Googlebot crawl in your site. Because after fixing the issue Googlebot will detect the changes and remove the error report from Google search Console. Method 2: Fixing problem by using Custom robots header tags Though this method we would order the search robot that not to index duplicate content or pages in search engine. As a result automatically duplicate title tag will reduce or fix as soon as possible. Just follow the steps below- Step 1Log in to your Blogger Account and Go to yourBlogger Dashboard Step 2Click on-Settings-Search preferences- Step 3Under Crawlers and indexing section locateCustom robots header tagsand click onEditlink. Step 4An Option will visible likeEnable custom robots header tags?And selectYesradio button. Step 5 Now under Home page check all and noodp. Under Archieve and Search pages check noindex and under Default for Posts and pages check all. Thats it everything has done. Step 6 Finally click Save changes button to exit from there. After following the above 2 methods Duplicate title tags error wont fix instantly. It requires time to fix. After fixing the issue when Googlebot will visit your site then it will update the information about your site. But Googlebot will do it step by step not at once. You can see the below screenshots that in my site before the number of Duplicate title tags error was 199 and after applying the above methods it become 84. Before After Method 3:Set the URL Parameters The third solution is to set the URL Parameters in Google Webmaster Tools. It will tell the search robot that parameter m doesnt affect the page content. To set the parameter please follow the below steps- Step 1 On the Google Search Console dashboard page, Click Crawl to expend option. And click URL Parameters. Step 2 Under URL Parameters, locate and click parameter: m. In the parameter: m link, click Edit from the right. Step 3 And adjust the settings by selecting No: Does not Affect page content (ex: tracks usage) as shown below. If you do not find the parameter m, then you can add it through the button Add parameter. Thats all about configuring the parameters in Google search console. Method 4: Add a parameter to the robots.txt file If both of the above does not fix duplicate title tags, then you can add the command line parameter settings robots.txt do not allow search engine robots to crawl the unique URL that ends with ? M = 0. To add the parameter please follow the below steps- Step 1Log in to your Blogger Account and Go to yourBlogger Dashboard Step 2Click on-Settings-Search preferences- Step 3Under Crawlers and indexing section locateCustom robots.txt and click onEditlink. Step 4An Option will visible likeEnable custom robots.txt content?And selectYesradio button. Step 5 Now add the below parameter on custom robots.txt content. Disallow: /? M = 0Disallow: /? M = 1Disallow: /*/*/*.html?m=0Disallow: /*/*/*.html?m=1 Step 6 Finally click Save changes button. Thats all about fixing duplicate title tags error from website.I hope this article will help to solve your Duplicate title tags error from your website. And you would able to improve your site SEO. Thank you.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Listen to and Learn Spanish on the Internet

Many people want to hear what native-speaker Spanish sounds like, but dont have access to native speakers or even Spanish-language radio or TV. Chances are that if youre reading this article, you have all the tools you need need to start listening. An abundance of Spanish-language webcasts, podcasts, and other programming is available for free on the Internet. The system requirements for listing to Internet audio vary with the site, but chances are that if your computer was built within the past three or four years, you already have the hardware you need. Most sites that provide audio content also have links to the software you need. Most audio content can be played using one of three audio players that are readily available for free: Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, and Apple QuickTime. The three are available for both recent versions of the Windows and Macintosh operating systems; the RealPlayer is also available for Linux. Some sites also have downloadable audio in MP3 or other formats that you can listen to on portable players. A high-speed Internet connection is helpful, although a good dial-up connection will sometimes be sufficient if you arent Web surfing at the same time. Listening Online in Spanish Spanish-language programming can be found for almost any interest, and a complete list would be far too long to list here. Following, however, are some of the sites that have been recommended by readers of this site: Batanga: You wont find any classical music here (unless you count classic rock), but youll find just about every other style of music.BBC Mundo: True, the BBC is well-known British news service. However, youll find quality programming in Spanish here.Deutsche Welle: This German network offers streaming programming in nearly all the European language and then some. At the time of this writing, however, its Spanish-language programming is not available to U.S. listeners.Ke Buena: Popular music from Acapulco, Mexico.La100: Rock from Argentina.Notes in Spanish: Tips about Spain, news, conversation and all the cool words they never teach you in class.M80 Radio: Classic rock from Madrid.Mitre: Variety of programming from Argentina.RAC105: International rock and pop from Spain. The home page is in Catalan, but if youre adept at reading Spanish you can probably comprehend most of it.Metro951: Self-described as the most popular radio, from Argentina.Radio Bilingà ¼e: Public radio-type progra mming from the United States.Radio Isla: Talk shows and more, from Puerto Rico.Radio Jai: Catering to Argentinas Jewish community with a mix of programming.Radio Progreso: Music, news and a bit of propaganda from Cuba.RTVE: This network from Spain provides a choice of six channels streamed over the Internet.Terra Radios: Talk, music and sports are featured on stations from Guatemala.Yahoo Music: About a dozen music stations feature Spanish music of various genres including rock, rap, reggaeton, pop, tejano, and jazz.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Zar A Critique Of A Business Case Essay - 1269 Words

ZARA’S OPERATIONS STATEGY, A CRITIQUE OF A BUSINESS CASE. 1.Excecutive summary. Operations management is in regard to all operations within the organization responsible for creating goods and services that organizations pass to their customers. This function is at the heart of all organizations, giving the means of achieving their aims and reason for their existence. These activities include: managing purchases, inventory control, quality control, storage and logistics. A great deal of focus in operations is on efficiency and effectiveness of such a process. An example of successful operations strategy in the retail industry is the strategy employed by Zara which is discussed in this critique. Zara started as a single shop in La Coruna and then rapidly spread its wings to 68 countries; opening a store each day - one of the fastest global expansions the world has ever seen. Throughout the entire system of Zara’s business; designing, sourcing, manufacturing, distribution process and retailing come out a number of success factors: short cycle time, small batches per product, extensive variety of product every season and heavy investment in information and technology. This elements feature in every aspect of the business. 2. Introduction. Zara is the flagship brand of the Spanish fashion retail giant, Inditex, (Industrias de Deseno Texti S. A.) Founded in 1975 ; this super- heated performers in soft retail fashion market in recent years; is engaged in textile design,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Few Things Wrong With Me - 2267 Words

It Doesn’t matter if the short story was based on true events or not. When its written about death or losing loved ones, it always reminds you of the people that were so close at once and then gone forever. Many people all over the world deal with their feelings of losing someone. So people cry, and some keep the emotions in and let it burn inside. â€Å"A Few Things Wrong with Me† by Lydia Davis and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and â€Å"Harvey’s Dream† by Stephen King are three examples of how character’s have lost their loved ones in a different way. Some were killed and some were faded away. It also shows unhappy happy relationships. Two of the three books also have a comparison of people that have problems in their life or forced to be in a problem. These three short stories are written from different authors perspective and have difficult plots but there is one thing that gathers them together, it is the despair that was left in their souls by the loved ones. In these three short stories a person dies or has left someone forever, but all in different aspects. Loosing a person that had a spot in your life isn’t an easy thing to forget but also leaves a mark in your heart forever. Two the three books also have a comparison of people that have problems in life or forced to be in a problem In the short story â€Å"A Few Things Wrong with Me† by Lydia Davis, shows how a female character is hated by the one person she loved the most in life. How the person she loved theShow MoreRelated Teens And The Media Essay836 Words   |  4 Pagesexpression. Teens are just finding these things as outlets for emotion and expression. The media uses these things and utilizes them in a sort of campaign to portray us as bad and untrusting. Teens are not only portrayed as delinquents but also as disloyal, jobless, untrusting monsters. The media causes the public following to assume that all teenagers are bad and immoral just because of a few that have done things wrong. And even when a teen does something wrong, that too is sensationalized. We doRead MoreWhat Ethics Are For More Than 20 Years922 Words   |  4 Pagesown moral perspectives. My rules that I use in my daily life to guide my moral behavior are the laws, which is a formal public policy, and the rules of the Bible. I mostly follow these two things as my moral compass. A law helps me to know what behavior is right and wrong, and the rules of the Bible tells me what behavior is good or bad to my identity and values. In the lecture, Professor Mun said a law is â€Å"the public’s agency for translating morality into explicit social guidelines and practicesRead MoreWho I Am . To Me, The Definition Of Ethics Is Knowing Right1599 Words   |  7 PagesWho I am To me, the definition of ethics is knowing right from wrong. 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This contradictedRead MoreReflection About Depression1008 Words   |  5 Pagessomething was wrong, I wondered if I should tell somebody.  I  didnt  know  who  I  could go to or  what  they would do,  I  didnt even  know  what  to tell them!  This  was all new to me,  I  had never felt  this  way before  and  I  too  was ignorant to the truth about depression  and  I  knew  others would be  too.  I  also felt like  I  should keep it to myself because nobody  noticed.  I  was  hurting  and  it  hurt, even more, to  know  that  nobody  noticed  that  I  wasnt myself.  I  thought that one of the people closest to me, family andRead More Strengths and Weaknesses Essay900 Words   |  4 Pagescan help me to improve myself to achieve a more peaceful and satisfying personal life. I will start with the unflattering information first and list my most obvious weaknesses. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;My weaknesses were hard for me to identify but with the help of friends I was suddenly very informed on what they were! I was able to identify one weakness on my own and it is impatience. There is an old saying that patience is a virtue. Any single one of my friends will agree with me that patienceRead MoreThe Age Of Twenty I Believed I Learned834 Words   |  4 Pageshad many great people in my life and to me it seemed like nothing could ever go wrong. My parents had been married for over twenty years, my best friends parents had also been together more than twenty years, and my family was a good Christian family. To me everything was perfectly fine; yeah my grandpa and grandma were divorced but I still didn’t fully understand what that meant. I knew they had, had problems in their relationship but my ignorance kept me from understanding just how big of a problemRead MoreStrengths and Weaknesses898 Words   |  4 Pagesweakness can help me to improv e myself to achieve a more peaceful and satisfying personal life. I will start with the unflattering information first and list my most obvious weaknesses. My weaknesses were hard for me to identify but with the help of friends I was suddenly very informed on what they were! I was able to identify one weakness on my own and it is impatience. There is an old saying that patience is a virtue. Any single one of my friends will agree with me that patience has neverRead MoreWrong Time Wrong Place in Media Addiction915 Words   |  4 PagesWrong place, Wrong time The man stood there with a gun in his hand aiming directly at me. My heart began pounding with fear on the apprehension of what was about to happen. His eyes were that of a killer, full of hatred and revenge. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hip Hop and Race Relations in America free essay sample

Rap is something you do, Hip-Hop is something you live. The difference between how Hip-Hop is portrayed (rap) and what the Hip-Hop movement Is, Is that Hip-Hop Is a lifestyle but the Hip-Hop we see on television Is a media creation. We have to look at hip-hop as a whole culture and rap as something that comes out of it. Although Hip-Hop was originated by a mostly Negro constituency, it has evolved since its creation into a worldwide forum through which family, community, social and political grievances (HOC) can be voiced through various art arms.Today, the Hip-Hop movement (if looked at as its meant to be looked at) plays a very positive role throughout the political and social spectrums In America, and Is helping to push America In the right direction. Hip-Hop has created a lot of social and cultural bridges that otherwise wouldnt exist today. For example, the Hashish Jew reggae artist Mantissas is one of the most popular artists today. But would he ever have even thought to have become a Hip-Hop artist if Hip-Hop wasnt such an accessible and open movement? Hip-Hop is creating very interesting bridges across racial and ethnic communities, says S. Craig Watkins a sociology professor at the university of Texas at Austin. Kay Kendall, also from the UT at Austin, says the youth of different races and ethnicities are using the common ground of Hip-Hop to Interact in a more seamless fashion than their grandparents ever would have envisioned. Mass media and clever marketing have made it a small world after all. And even Russell Simmons, the godfather of Hip-Hop, says, According to the statistics [of a recent survey], it seems that youth are much more likely to accept and embrace the differences between people in terms of culture, color, religion, and ethnicity than older Americans.Referring to the same statistics Dry. Benjamin Shaves said, These diversity and the cultural transformation where ethnicity and race hopefully will not be seen as barriers or obstacles to progress and opportunity] And Watkins enlightens us to the most obvious fact that has been sitting right beneath our nose yet has eluded us; that if youre considering [ change in] American culture in the last [three] decades you have to look at Hip-Hop. The consensus seems to be that HIP- Hop Is helping to bring more people closer together than ever before. Baker Sultana, an author/columnist who has written many books and articles on the subject, lives that hip hop has broken down more racial barriers than any other social development of the past three decades. But he also argues that Hip-Hop hasnt done enough to pursue the goals of the movement, to help change the way things are today. Hip hop has become the most visible voice for black culture; says Kay Randall.However, it Is a very disorganized movement; most of the progress that It has made has been due to private organizations, such as Russell Simmons Hip-Hop Summit Action Network and Hip-Hop Congress (HOC) which is located in 18 universities and three high schools nationwide. But with the correct leadership and a united Hip-Hop movement, such as a the creation of a national group to consolidate the movements goals might bring about, Kitting feels that the hip-hop movement today could become even more Influential the sass civil rights movement.He feels help push the envelope even further. It is a multimillion dollar industry with millions of followers, if those resources can be fully utilized it will increase the Hip-Hop movements power exponentially. And, finally, this movement isnt as narrow in scope as the civil rights movement was; the Hip-Hop movement today is focused on issues like education and employment for all people. The HOC can be used as a model for what Kitting thinks is necessary for todays movement to be successful.The HOC goal is to create a viable [worldwide] forum for people to learn, express themselves, interact with diverse ideas and cultures, and gain the tools they need to facilitate their own goals. This organizations goals are extremely ambitious, but the HOC doesnt have the backing necessary to achieve their goals completely. However, that is exactly the problem that most groups face today. There are literally hundreds of organizations that have lofty goals, such as the HOC, but they dont have the sources necessary to unite the Hip-Hop movement into an actual force.Nor do they have the leadership or the exposure necessary to overcome that major obstacle. Right now the Hip-Hop movement is Just a vague notion, but with the right leadership it can become a dagger to be held to the throats of the people in power to demand equality for all people in America and eventually throughout the world. The fact that the Hip-Hop movement is often equated with something negative such as anti-black images, drugs, violence, and sex definitely detracts from the power of the movement.It strips the power the movement gains from its noble ambitions 0 the heart of the movement. But unless the public understands there is a difference between what the media portrays the Hip-Hop movement as and what the movement actually stands for, nothing will change. No progress will be made. Suez Hansen argues that some black activists complain that the media mineralizes the good things about hip-hop, choosing to focus on the often misogynistic lyrics, flashy and violent music videos and Gangs image of its stars rather than its more socially conscious messages.Most peopl e dont understand that the gangs image is a very small aspect of Hip-Hop that doesnt even coincide with the movements message! Kitting says, if you can get past Pimps and hose, hip-hop conveys the message of poor people not having jobs and having inadequate education. But this side of the movement, Ms. Hansen would agree, is rarely shown. I agree with Kitting 100%, but there is no way for people to get past the pimps and hose if they dont know that something else exists.Its incredible how successful this movement has been when most people only see en side of the issue, the bad side, and yet it has still brought about a lot of good. But its not enough, the potential this movement still has is enormous. This movement can bring about so much more good for America. But people need to see what the movement is about. People need to understand that there is more to Hip- Hop than bitched and money as N. W. A (an abbreviation of Naggers with Attitude) so eloquently puts it.The movements true intentions need to be exposed before anything more can be done. Not everyone agrees that the hip hop movement is a positive movement along social and political lines. John Micrometer of the City Journal argues that all the writers and thinkers [who] see a kind of informed political engagement, even a revolutionary potential, in rap and hip-hoop couldnt be more wrong. He even goes so far to say, By reinforcing the stereotypes that long hindered properly authentic response to a presumptively racist society retards black success. Micrometers basis for why Hip-Hop fails to advance society towards color- blindness is rooted in the lyrics of Hip-Hop and rap songs and the images of the stars of Hip-Hop like 50 Cent. Stars who show off gunshot wounds in photographs in magazines. Were sorely lacking in imagination if in 2006 we think that it signals progress when kids rattle off violent, sexist, nihilistic, lyrics, like Russians reciting Pushpin. Also, if stars like Sean Puffy Combs, a. K. A. P. Daddy, who have more money than anyone knows what to do with, still continues to portray a Gangs image.It tells kids that theres nothing more authentic than ghetto pathology, even when youve got wealth beyond imagining. He feels that everything that is keeping Hip- Hop in the dark side of our society is due to the choices of words and actions that people involved in the movement make. For those who insist that even the invisible structures of society reinforce racism, the burden of proof should rest with them to explain Just why hip-hops bloody and sexist lyrics and videos and the criminal behavior of many rappers wouldnt have a powerfully negative effect upon whites conception of black people. Essentially Micrometers argument is that the violent and sex-laden lyrics of Hip-Hop and rap negatively effect the white persons conception of Negroes. Micrometer does make some very appealing arguments as to why Hip-Hop is failing. And while I can agree with certain aspects of what he is sa ying, overall I hint that he is wrong. There is simply too much evidence to support the progress that Hip-Hop, as a culture and lifestyle, has helped bring about.Also, Micrometer isnt really talking about the Hip-Hop movement when he is talking about the debauchery that many popular rap songs say is okay to behave like. Remember KIRKS One, rap is something you do, Hip-Hop is something you live. So while you can say that rap is part of Hip-Hop, you cannot say that rap is part of the Hip-Hop movement. According to Kay Randall The negative baggage of things such as Gangs rap can overshadow the exuberance and freshness of these young peoples art. This is only because that is the only side of Hip-Hop that is shown.I think Baker Kitting said it best when he said, If you can get past pimps and hose, Hip-Hop conveys the message of poor people not having Jobs and having inadequate education. The problem with Bakers argument here is that the media is obsessed with rap as Hip-Hop. Therefore, everyone time a new rap song comes out that says its okay to do drugs or beat a woman it gives Hip-Hop a bad name. Every time something negative happens in the world of rap it negatively affects the world of Hip-Hop. But this is not how it was supposed to be.What rap has evolved into is far from its original intentions, and without understanding that, people will never be able to differentiate between rap and Hip-Hop. If people are unable to draw a distinction between rap and Hip-Hop, Hip-Hop will never be able to achieve the goals it set for itself. But I blame the media for this, because theyve shown a one-sided argument for so long that people now think that rap is Hip-Hop. When, in fact, its Just a small part of Hip-Hop, a small part that has been caught up in making money and has forgotten to push towards achieving the goals of the Hip-Hop movement.But unless the media starts showing the bulk of what the movement is pushing towards, the good that it is trying to achieve, Hip-Hop will lose the little progress it has made so far and may even bring hop movement has helped society make some great strides politically and, especially, socially. However, that doesnt mean that its perfect and it definitely doesnt mean that the movement is complete. Hip-Hop has been around for a mere 30 years and has never been a unified movement. Under a united leader that can direct the movement in the correct direction there will be nothing that can stop Hip-Hop from accomplishing all its goals.The Hip-Hop movement has so much potential to achieve things that the civil rights movement couldnt accomplish because of when its taking place. It has the economic power to push it self forward using campaigns and other political means to realize its goals. It has the following and the voice, though the right one hasnt been found yet, to make people listen. This movement has so much potential! This movement could become the greatest movement in the history of the United States if it finds a way to unify itself and obtains the right leader to guide it towards victory.